Digital recordings on Vinyl

I've generally tried to avoid it but now I'm weighing the difference between getting a really good dac or just just getting the vinyl cuts and playing it on my awesome analog rig. You?
why avoid? source should not scare you if you're willing to listen to a specific artist or band. overall it only matters not on mastering type but on its quality.
Just a side note; a well mastered analogue LP beats most digitally mastered vinyl. And so much modern vinyl has defects not found on the original generation vinyl.

I'm assuming you don't have a DAC yet or are you looking for an upgrade?
That's more to my point Lowrider. Will well recorded digital always sound better on a really good dac, as well recorded analog sounds best on vinyl? I have a budget dac, Emotiva, but know there are some really nice ones out the ie Berkeley etc and as much as I love analog, almost no one, if anyone, is recording analog. A lost art. It's like a digital picture vs a film pic. 2 totally different animals, each with it's virtues but they don't really cross over well.
"I've generally tried to avoid it but now I'm weighing the difference between getting a really good dac or just just getting the vinyl cuts and playing it on my awesome analog rig. You?"

That's a really good question. I'm surprised more people don't ask it. I generally stay away from digital recordings on vinyl. To me, it just sounds like better digital and is not worth the effort.
Will well recorded digital always sound better on a really good dac, as well recorded analog sounds best on vinyl?

As discussed here many times, they're 2 different formats and I think the key to good digital is more than just the DAC. You have to consider all the components such as the master clock, the right cable and choosing tube or SS DAC for your individual system. So I guess I'm saying a great digital setup will provide a great listening experience and can be just as enjoyable as vinyl. As long as you don't get into the analogue vs digital wars.
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Elizabeth has it right, depends on the individual recording. mastering chain. Just as their can be huge differences in analogue vinyl recordings, so too in the digital realm. Wait, Sony's new HiRes stuff will shortly appear and better choices will be available.
I guess the question could also be "What sounds better, a good digital recording on a good DAC or a good digital recording pressed on vinyl played on a really good analog rig? "
I would argue that it's more about content. I play both vinyl and shiny silver discs not only because some sound better on one format or another, but because so much music is only available on format or another.
per given let's say $5000 on analog vs. digital sources, analogue will very likely win. there are price ranges where found cases vise versa.
I try to stay with digital if recorded that way and the same for vinyl, cannot be done easily these days. I have some vinyl that is from digital sources and vise verse. The vinyl sounds different than the CD in both cases. With some digital to analog recordings the sound stage is better on vinyl, not all.

I also find that with analog to digital recordings the sound stage collapses much more often. I am finding this happening much less as I get away from CD's and use computer based audio.
I like Elizabeth's response. Also, remember that some new recordings are not available in analog format. So, sometimes the only alternative is digital (read cd) purchase. I avoid downloading compressed digital recordings. So, my opinion is to have both. A really decent analog setup and a really decent digital setup. Cables do matter and also, a separate nice DAC is typically the way to go. However, there are exceptions. I have the Audio Research DAC 8, which contrary to the audio magazine (can't remember the name), it is quite good. I compared it to many other DACS (apples vs apples comparisons) and it is very nice. However, I have recently found that, believe it or not, the Pioneer Elite BDP-09FD analog output section is really, really very good. This thing is built like a tank and it beats most DACS I have heard. Most people I read about get an Oppo 105, not because it is better as a blue ray player, but because it loads faster. I couldn't care less about that. So, audition equipment in your own home/setup and hear things for yourself. but, I like the ease of Digital, especially my music server into my DAC 8. But, I also really like analog.
