Does anyone use this streamer? Seems like an amazing bargain but not a plug and play type of devise on the surface. If you are using it what is your configuration? MAC/PC based? Digione OS? Music software? Do you know what OS's work with what music software? I'm familiar with JRiver and Foobar, nice to have it controlled through a tablet or phone. Can't find much info on the net regarding this relative to this product.

What is the best connection to the DAC? USB or COAX?

Any help appreciated!

I have a PI3 and the DigiOne not signature.  I used Volumio and attached it to the MHDT Orchid Dac.  For me the Toslink didn't sound as good as the RCA digital input and I never tried the Coax.
I liked it but as an Amazon Music user I had to move away from it and replaced it with a I5 fanless Windows PC.  
For me the MHDT USB driver and supplied USB cable sounded better than just the DigiOne but the Signature with a different DAC should sound pretty darn good.  
I really liked the Volumio interface and wish there was a Windows version.  For now  I remote into it and use Foobar but it's no where near as user friendly as Volumio was
I just bought a RPI4 with a DigiOne Signature. I am using it with MoodeAudio and a BubbleUPnP android app as a controller. So far I am underwhelmed by the sound. It sounds a bit harsh at the top end. I have Tidal and Qobuz subscriptions. I also bought the Shanti linear power supply.

I have an RPI4 with the DigiOne (not Signature) running Moode and it is a significant upgrade from my Sonos Connect. I am not sure how BubbleUPnP might be affecting or manipulating the chain of sound, but suggest you try removing it from the chain and use the moode interface directly by going to moode.local on your browser. Also curious what DAC you are using and how you are connecting from the DigiOne to the DAC. 

anwarmaj, I'm only familiar with BubbleUpnp and at some point streamed to a Signature Rendu until I realized my phone was acting as a server and streaming to it over wifi and I needed another device also with bubbleupnp server installed to actually do the streaming as a server (sms200 neo), that's probably what you want, and only use the android bubble app as a controller. It will sound better.

On the bluesound, I never used the stock power cord but a Pangea AC14 SE signature with the appropriate c7 connector and the sound was very good, I then upgraded to a wireworld mini-electra for an improvement. Still using that for TV sound (via optical) and sometimes Tidal or Qobuz when too busy to fire up the network bridge and manually switch inputs to coax on my dac. It sounds good as well. Either way with any of my network devices, the best sound I get is not over wifi. Hope this helps you out.
I just bought a RPI4 with a DigiOne Signature. I am using it with MoodeAudio and a BubbleUPnP android app as a controller. So far I am underwhelmed by the sound. It sounds a bit harsh at the top end. I have Tidal and Qobuz subscriptions. I also bought the Shanti linear power supply.
 I have a couple of questions.
1 Using BubbleUPnP is it only controlling MoodeAudio and is not streaming music to it?
2 If all streaming is occurring on the RPI4, why does it not sound that great? Will it improve over time, or is there some kind of configuration I need to do in MoodeAudio?
3 Would it improve if I connected directly to Tidal and Qobuz from the RPI4/MoodeAudio?
I have a BlueSound 2i, and was hoping to hear an immediate improvement but so far not hearing it.
HI, maybe a little late but.  I have both, the CXC and the DigiOne Signature.  The Digione compared to the CXC present a larger soundstage, more realism and a darker background.  I Think the DigiOne is a bargain, for me, it outperform the CXC, CXN and the Bluesound Node 2i.   On a side note, I'm using it with the Shanti PS, I Think is the easiest way but you can use batteries on the clean side and the sound improve a little bit.   Hope this helps you to decide. 
I currently have a Dell Laptop doing the streaming. Will the  DIGIONE SIGNATURE PLAYER improve the sound of your typical laptop? My Cambridge Audio CXC transport outperforms my laptop marginally. The attraction to this player is all of the unnecessary functions are removed from computer thinking this might deliver better sound than my Dell and CXC. I suspect quality streamers will be better but I don't want to spend serious money on one. Opinions? 
I have a Digione Signature Player on a RPi 4 with a gig or ram.

My OS is Mood Audio ( there are many others )

My music is on a NAS drive and I ripped original CD's using Exact Copy to 16/44 Flac files, why 16/44 because  that is what most DAC's expect and then the quality of your DAC can be utilized to upsample

My Dac is a SMSL SU8 using the BNC connection from the Digione

The SMSL SU8 Dac connects to a Crown XLI 1500 via XLR, then out to speakers

This combo is probably the best RPi combination, I have  had others which are also very good But feel this is the best today

From a setup standpoint getting your OS on the micro chip used by the RPI can be interesting if you have never done it, but it is really just a simple process. Here is a good overall video

On the RPI once setup you interface it with either a computer or IPad like device. Open a browser and put in the RPi's IP address. 

There are many OS's and all have YouTube videos on how to setup and use it.

Overall it is a great audio streamer, obviously inexpensive and the results will really surprise you and your audio friends

Enjoy the Music

I bought the Digione SignaturePlayer about a year and it's based on the v3 of the pi
hardware. I've been very happy with it. I have it setup as a streamer into my
pre-amp's digital input (via coax). I'll upgrade to a better, separate DAC at a
later stage.

Setup was easy, burn an image to a card and install the card into the slot ( a pair
of needle nose pliers is handy to install/swap the micro SD cards ). Each piece of
software has instructions on how to do setup. Just point a web browser at the pi
and follow the directions. I have mine setup on the LAN and use a DHCP reservation
so I get the same IP all the time.

The pi mounts my local NAS to play back 24/96 files into the system. Don't skimp on
read buffers and you'll be fine. I see to recall one piece of software needing an
samba option specified to mount the NAS. Like version=3.0 for CIFS or something
like that. It was the only real snag in getting the NAS mounted.

I sit on the couch and browse to the pi's website on my tablet.
click click click - easy!

I've tried several pieces of software on the pi over the past year or so. I started
with Moode and was fairly happy with it until I tried Volumio. Volumio is a sexier
interface. Thus far I haven't found the need for the paid version.

I tried Max2Play and could never get the "better" website interface working. The
basic one was too crude and I didn't feel like burning time trying to figure it
out. After all it's a paid beast.

I tried Roon and the pi worked well. Just install Ropiee (something like that) and
give it about 5 mins to initialize. Blammo roon saw it and I was rocking. I found
roon to be too expensive for me. If roon did everything I wanted it to do, I would
have paid. But I was looking for a little more control and it completely sucked when
it came to interfacing with my Sonos speakers. They choked constantly. Not gonna pay
to gain a headache.

I tried Audiovarna (something like that) on my Win10 PC and it found the pi (running
volumio) automatically. It seemed to work well, but ultimately counter productive. I
don't want to sit at my pc to push sound to the pi. I want to sit on the couch and
have the pi pull songs. The PC was mounting the same NAS drive for sound files - so
the extra stop at the PC made no sense.

So currently I've settled on Volumio and I'm working my way thru my library doing
some tag cleanup.

tl;dr the pi is great!

ps. this other thread came up when browsing yours https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/is-the-raspberry-pi-with-allo-digione-the-ideal-spdif-transpo...

Best both of you go to the Audioasylum.com PC Audio board. Several Digione users there that can help.
I am trying to figure this out, too.  There are a few videos on youtube - John Darko, and somewhere among them some info re how to setup the OS for it, the options, etc.  It is hard to get info and it's also hard to buy all you need (if you put it together yourself). Lot of pieces to make sure work, but I have heard ppl here that are using it like it. 

The place where I went tilt is there is the OS - each seems to handle different streaming apps (or Roon + streaming app/service) and then what the DAC will handle as connections. 

So I hope someone answers your queries and will be willing to answer a few more questions...