Did your system getting better the more money you spent or more experience you gained?

This is something that wanted to ask folks. Initially I said I would never spend x amount of dollars in this audio journey. 20 years later I’m here and did what I said I wouldn’t but I’m happier than ever. Best system to this date. But it wasn’t about money only. I gained knowledge on what was possible and the quality and design of the gear I wanted. I see people just throw money into audio and never be happy or satisfied. I think that happens because they don’t think for themselves as well as have the resources? Thoughts ?


Showing 1 response by 2psyop

Anyone who has watching Danny Richie from GR-Research has seen first hand that spending more money on audio does NOT ALWAYS equal better performance or even better parts.

I think it’s naive to think that it does, but it is a natural inclination to think that way because often times spending more money DOES bring better performance. Having said that, there are many factors which would contribute to better sound with synergy being one, individual hearing ability as well as having a trained ear as two more, the "I got more expensive new gear so it must be better" factor being another and so may others etc, etc.

I think experience would be the far more important factor as well as knowing one’s self. Taste in sound is another important factor and so is the degree of arrogance or objectivity and open-mindedness (internally) one has to recognize when listening to gear.