Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of securing Devore 0/96s with A23 cables.  My source will be an Auralic Vega G2.  I have narrowed my list of integrated amps to some tube and SS (Class A) gear.  I am looking for some help from those that have experienced this speaker and amp combinations.  I am moving from a very transparent system and looking for a little more warmth, musicality, and a system that is more emotionally engaging.

Tube amp potentials:
Leben CS300
Leben CS600
Line Magnetic 845
Maybe a simple SET (Unison Research Simply Italy)

SS Class A potentials:
Pass Labs INT-25
Sugden A21se or Masterclass IA-4

Looking to end my constant desire to make system changes once and for all! LOL
I run my Decware mini Torii 4wpc with Ref 3A de Capo i 92 db
Plenty loud, not concert loud in a 22x12 room with openings on the sides
I would love the Devore, just a bit $$ for me :)
@essrand the Accuphase E-650 looks interesting from a class A SS perspective.  How would you describe the match and sound with the 0/96s?

I don't think amplifiers should be judged by weightage.

I totally agree and I think my sentiment about transformer weight was overstated.  Great sound trumps weight by far - it's just that so many truly great sounding similar topographies weigh more, with an emphasis on high qualities transformers, that I'd want to confirm with my ears.  I wouldn't hesitate to buy a wonderful sounding amp regardless of weight!
I don't think amplifiers should be judged by weightage.

In fact it should not be a factor at all. I don't understand why amp manufacturers and buyers keep touting that as if it is a good thing. I see it as a negative: hard to move around, transport, re-sell, breaks your back etc etc.

If someone can produce same SQ at half the weight, that should be highlighted not that an amp weights 100lbs, I am not buying grocery. More weight is not better.

What I love about Nagra is that their products are petite but super high quality sound and built like a Rolex. Transformer design matters more than weight. Nagra's transformers are built in-house.

If Nagra can built superlative 300b amp at 10kg and NAF takes 35kg to built their best PP 300b amp, who is better at design and execution?

35-10 = 25kgs of aluminium only costs 30$ :)
@essrand High Water Sound has the NAF 211 monos & linestage on display. Jeffrey is one of the good guys and might have a line on a 2A3 in NYC; worth calling.

I have a 300B integrated in Nashville if you find yourself in the area.
@gestalt, is there any place in NYC area that I can audition the NAF, am super curious about the 2A3 that is raved about as the ideal combo with O/96s by someone in WBF.
I have push-pull 300b, Nagra 300p, that works quite well with my O/96. That being said I have been tempted to get a SET amp for these speakers. Don't go for any SS other than Accuphase IMO. My E-650 Accuphase also works quite well with these amps, some others didn't. And its plus point is tone controls, loudness compensation etc for night listening and bad records.

If I were to do it all over again. I would get the Luxman LX380, it would give me tone controls etc, as well as the tube goodness of 6L6. Recently heard it, it sounds amazing too, and looks gorgeous, pics don't do it justice.
Agree a single 300B isn't universally ideal on the O/96. A push pull 300B sorts that right out and is lovely.
@grinnell   I'd really like to hear the O/96's with an amp like the Decware TORII MK4.  On paper it looks like a really good match.  My only "concern" is the 36 lb weight of the entire amp.  The quality of the transformers is so critical and it makes me wonder how these lightweight transformers perform.  The similarly designed EL34 amps that I've heard and sound nice come in around 50 lbs.  My LM805 weighs 90 lbs, much of it attributable to the beefy transformers which play a huge role.
@three_easy_payments, thanks for the detailed response on your direct experience with the 0/96s and some of the components I have on the list.  There is definitely something magical that SETs seem to bring.  I built a Bottlehead Crack for my headphone setup and I thoroughly enjoy it.  I have read on the Line Magnetic amps and the comments seem to echo your experience with lots of dynamics and huge soundstage.  I was looking at the 845 so I will need to check the 805 out.
For serious listening I run a Line Magnetic 805ia with my O/96's with fantastic results...very emotionally engaging with a dynamic, massive, immersive soundstage full of air and detail while providing a rich textured sound and a bit of that SET magic.  I also have a SugdenA21SE that I run mainly for casual/background streaming music while I'm working during long periods of the day.  I'd say the Sugden gets me 75% of the sonics of the Line Magnetic.  While the Sugden is great match with the DeVore, delivering a very rich and dynamic sound, it's presentation sounds almost 2D in comparison without the air and soundstage of the LM.  The Sugden also sounds a tad rolled off in the bass comparatively and loses in details. 

I strongly recommend going the SET tubed route with the O/96's.  Having some extra power (like the 48W of the LM805) really helps control the O/96 woofers.  A 20W-40W push-pull amp using EL34/6L6GC (like the Leben) would sound very good as well.  The Leben CS600x will give you a ton of flexibility to tube roll.  Head to head I think the LM805 sounds more dynamic and brings that SET magic to the table that the Leben doesn't but it's a matter of preference.

I think 300b could be a magical combo for certain music but the more I talk to other O/96 owners the more I realize that a 300b probably shouldn't be a primary amp for the DeVore's as you may feel that the combo doesn't shine across a full range of musical tastes - focusing mainly on its brilliance with vocals and simple instruments.
Thanks for the suggestion @gestalt.  300B is also an appealing option.  I will check the products out.
A New Audio Frontiers 2A3 or 300B integrated would be lovely.

Feel free to search for thoughts on this pairing; lots of glowing user reports out there.

Heads up I'm a NAF dealer.