Devialet Expert 220 Pro Power Cable

I recently purchased a Devialet Expert 220 Pro from someone on here and as they were from outside of the US my Devialet arrived with a non US power cable! Luckily I have a 220v transformer so I was able to use it. 

But my question is, will I always need a power transformer or can I simply purchase a power cable that works for US and swap them out and the Devialet will work? 

Excuse my lack of knowledge on how electricity works ;-)
@bswineford we are a Devialet dealer and the Expert Pro units contain universal power supplies. You should see both voltage ranges printed on the back panel right above the AC inlet socket.
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Dont think so we used to sell Devialet and we think they use a Switched Mode power Supply same thing that powers your laptop. 

This means you can plug it into any AC socket. 

It is easy to check if the manual says 100v - 220 or 110-220v  or anything with a dash that usually means an auto ranging power supply. 

If that is the case change your iec and you are ready to go.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
It has to be converted to 120.  Check with the manufacturer, some companies put a switch inside the unit for that purpose.  Don't know if Devialet does as well.