Denon PRA-1500 preamp

Hi everyone. I just acquire a Denon PRA-1500 preamp. Anyone used this preamp before and how does it sound to you? Thanks

BTW, it come with balance out with it is a plus.
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
it was pretty darn good--i would recommend it. it sounded good at low levels too.
it was my first hi-fi pre!! I got it in 1990. It has balanced outs I think. Mine still works--remote too. I had it paired with a Sony TA-N55ES power amp. This combo got me through college--I drove them hard. I also used it with an Adcom GFA 535II which is a little 60 watter. sounded pretty good. I want to say that pre retailed for $500 when new in 1990. I still think it is a fairly good little pre. It is now in my garage system.
