Denafrips Avatar looks the goods

I really like what I see with this Denafrips Avatar, it’s looks to have the goods inside for the money, and no dvd rom slot drive or CD rom drive used either. Two transformers lot of separate regulators, many little caps to get lower esr than just big ones. lots of different outputs.

And it uses a Philips Philips CDM4/19 swing arm laser, much better than rom drives slot or tray, just a little slower to read the TOC no biggie.

Cheers George
Economics 101. Supply and demand.
Yeah supply and demand usually make things cheaper, not more expensive. Makes me think twice about it now.

Cheers George
Sounds like the same problem Magico had for the $9800 A3 speaker. It was selling fast and the price increased to $12K+
Guys -- it's not uncommon for audio manufacturers to have "introductory pricing." It's a viable marketing tactic that can generate buzz for a new product. In this case, the strategy appears to be working. Besides, if the Avatar is as good as the initial reviews, then it's still reasonably priced relative to the closest competitor which is Jay's Audio. 
Guys -- it's not uncommon for audio manufacturers to have "introductory pricing."

Nah, they would have said that, to get a rush on ordering which they got without saying it.

It's a viable marketing tactic that can generate buzz for a new product.
Only if said.

Cheers George
I was looking to get one but then the repricing puts it out of my budget.
I'll look for one of the old rated transports of yesteryear. They knew how to make CD transports back then.