Deleted playlist in Qobuz

Is there a way to restore an accidentally deleted playlist in Qobuz?


Kind of ridiculous. With so much pretty much useless info stored (I mean this incredible music resolution), not to store such a laborious small piece of info... 

I thought I was deleting it just from the downloaded music on my phone...

well, hopefully you can make  your list again.

how did you manage to delete your playlist ?

before it happened, isnt there a message that warns one that this is going to happen if you continue ?


guess you have to start all over.....

A playlist, in terms of its size, is literally nothing in comparison with the other things that Qobuz stores on its servers. I cannot believe that there is no backup or some period during which a deleted playlist is stored just in case. Unfortunately, there appears to be no way to communicate with the Qobuz people directly.