Dedicated circuits

I just completed installing 2 dedicated circuits. After reading several threads here, I went with 30 amp breakers with 10 AWG wire with high end receptacles. One circuit for the amp and the other for everything else. I’m blown away by the difference. Tighter bass, not as bright, better imaging and soundstage. Should have done this long ago. 


Lots of good information on this thread. Regarding breakers, magnetic type are preferred over thermal as thermal act as a resister, working against dynamic flow. Audience, makes some dedicated in-wall AC power wire as well as duplex outlets under the Hidden Treasure line. I am affiliated with the company.


where to buy magnetic breakers - Lowe’s or Home Depot?

This thread is has a few people that know a thing or two about power demands. Getting ready to swap in a Sunfire True Sub Signature to handle LFE duty and the CC’s heavy lifting.

Would appreciate counsel to power this Carver-designed beast! It seems it minimum, it may need sole use of one of the existing 20As. I reading somewhere it can pull 27 amperes?  Someone in an earlier reply has one these.


Thanks. Tony

@gp4jesus   for homeowners insurance purposes, make sure that you use the same brand of breaker that your box is.


”make sure that [breaker & box brands match.]”

Yes. In my limited experience in my previous & current domiciles, I think the wrong brand bracket won’t fit/work. I’ve always brought a picture of the box to avoid that mistake. 

regardless thanks for that VERY important reminder. 
