DCM Time Windows - What Next?

So after a couple decades of ownership (~1975 original build iirc) one of my beloved Time Window towers has blown a woofer. Looking for recommendations on options to consider to replace these. Don't really have a preference between new/used but likely my ears will appreciate something with a similar soundstage and tonal balance. Budget under 3k.

Heh...hard to say exactly how the speaker ended up blown but likely from physical abuse...a couple of clues:

My OTA antenna feeds into TV, Optical audio out from TV to a Denon x4000 - for channels that don't have a fully clean OTA signal the result is sometimes a pretty healthy pop through the speakers when it glitches - I always mute the stereo and go TV speakers when the signal acts up, but perhaps that happened one too many times...
Speakers have also been thrashed on by a clowder of cats for many years:
 - the foam enclosure surround is long gone - they tore out the center dome on the now blown woofer (although it's been gone well over a year...) - Speaker plugs have been ripped out a number of times...

I originally picked these up locally (Austin area) for $300 back around 2004 and due to the current physical shape the right move here is probably to move on to something else even if it's another example of these...

I do like the idea of going with a 1a version since they were actually designed to be serviced so that is a solid option for sure
No matter what I do I will use a cover I can slip over the speakers to protect them when not in use unless I end up with a solution where I hang them from the ceiling out of reach of the ruckus.
You might considering starting your whole system from scratch...Find a budget and then consider your room size  ( big room big speakers ) your music tastes ie. vocals male and female are best served with an resolving midrange, sweet, relaxed ( when you hear a live session the performers work on relaxing their throat so the music pours out. 
For me, If I can't relax into the music, just get lost into music then I want no part of it...

So I drove out to West Virginia to pick up the 1a pair. Not quite in service yet as I'm waiting on covers to be finished for protection from the kitties so slumming it with the Left channel on my scrappy looking Time Window 1 and using the DCM Cinemascape as the right channel temporarily until I have the new 1a set ready to go.

They are in pretty nice shape, original Brown fabric is still on them with no tears so definitely happy with the condition. Seller demo'd them upon pickup and they definitely are in good working order and can put out some sound.

Will drop in a final update with impressions on the sound of the 1a set vs the original design in my space.

Thanks again to all who chimed in!


an almost cat proof speaker would be the metal grill ADS710 or 810. Yes i managed a store w DCM, ADS, Vandy, Infinity, etc….


I need to purchase a new receiver/amp but I need one capable of 4K. I have a pair of Time Windows that I purchased new in 1979 and still love them. The WPC on the receivers I see are around 150 wpc, which is considerable more than the 40 wpc on my original amp. Is 150 too much?