David Wilson must be a little annoyed...

the Absolute Sound has pronounced the relative new-comer Magico as having designed the least-flawed loudspeaker in the world (the Q7). the Wison XLF is described as the best "cost-no-object" speaker, and while "flawed" in some respects, is the company's best effort yet. given the lengthy history of attempts at making a perfect transducer, Wilson and its many devotees might take all this as a funny way of saying "better luck next time" instead of "this by far exceeds all that has come before which was already pretty darn good".
i have little doubt that, for $180,000 (or name another huge number) the Q7 is very VERY good. the cabinet is "inert", the drivers weigh next to nothing, and the crossovers are made from premium parts arranged as carefully as technology allows. But once upon a time, the B&W 801 Matrix ($5500) was
called the "audio end of the road" by Stereophile. so ACCURATE was this loudspeaker that you could tell what kind of bassoon the guy in the orchestra was playing, and on what row, completely distinct from every other instrument being played. you needed a chain of superior components upstream of course. but i will never forget personally auditioning this speaker and thinking "WOW"
as the music was clearer and cleaner with the best bass extension than anything i had ever heard before.
of course better speakers HAVE since been designed and the bass i was so impressed with turned out to lag behind the other drivers and needed a better design, better parts, etc. to catch up. but the Kevlar midrange unit is still with us in various forms, and the isolation of the "head unit" from the low-bass is also still a common technique. but how many multiples of $5500 (even allowing for inflation) does it take to clean up the sound of a loudspeaker, and also keep it from "shaking and baking" if you really crank up the volume?
I think everyone knows that probably $20K, maybe $30K, should give the speaker manufacturer a lot to work with. And for $50K you could wrap it in the most attractive materials on the planet Earth.
After 60 some odd years of reading about "OMG" components in the audio press, I would love to congradulate Magico on the one hand, and express my annoyance from another (and another ad.infinitum) article about the new greatest hi-fi thing for [you can't afford it]. personally i just happen to like the shape and appearance of the Q7 a lot, very clean, very uncomplicated. i do favor using grill coverings however, and feel that should always be an option
lest someone comes along "poking" the drivers to see how they move. there might even be some "contour" controls on the back turning up or down the tweeter or attenuating the bass to allow for a less than perfect room (although how could one place a "perfect" speaker in an imperfect environment?)
if this entire argument is exciting, or conversely tiresome, i just would like other persons' reactions to these pronouncements in the audio press.
and WHAT IF the Wilson XLF was placed side by side with the Q7 and you asked pro reviewers as well as music lovers to decide which speaker was better and/or which would be easier to live with long run?
while you're at it bring in a Rockport, MBL, Kharma, Nola, etc. set of speakers and try to decide all over again. Make it even more fun, and limit
the selling price to $50K or below, and see just how close you can come.
Just some random thoughts as we enter into the Audio Cliff....
Everybody forgets the main reason to buy Magicos...they don't warp or get eaten by wood boring insects. I'm buying a pair to leave outside by the pool. All the pools for that matter. Even the Grotto. "Jeeves...bring the Bentley around...we're off to Goodwin's!"
Would you justify the MM7's price of $200k as a steal because they are four towers compared to the Q7?
Mapman - I'm glad you enjoy your Ohm's, that's all that matters..for your tastes. But they are not in the same ballpark, or even league, as the other speakers under discussion here, in MY opinion.
Enjoy the music.
12-13-12: Elberoth2

Don't trust opinion on forums.... every time I bought something based on online opinion and without listening in advance, it ended up being a big disappointment.

Quote of the year :)
Elberoth2 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Not my experience. One needs to know how to FILTER out all the garbage similar to all/PROFESSION opinions.

Westborn, my brief experience with Ohm F's is similar to yours. My roommate after college had a pair in the house.
Hello, this is David Weinhart of Weinhart Design visit my showroom @ www.weinhartdesign.com

I am the original Magico dealer who sold the Q-7's speakers to the customer. I fully agree with Robert Harley that the Q7 is a landmark design and without peer and the finest speakers I've ever heard by a large margin.

The customer who bought the Q7 has known Jonathan Tinn, the owner of Evolution Acoustics, for a long time, and I believe there is a back story to this transaction.

However, out of respect to all parties, it is in no one’s best interest to discuss this further. I would, however, take everything you read here, and in other forums, with a grain of salt.

Good Listening, David Weinhart
4orreal: Re-read my post. The Evolution Acoustics model I referenced was the MM3.

You sound like the magico dealer after I auditioned them and I told hm what I had. Of course, he had never heard my system either and I did hear his 6 figure setup. He actually ridiculed me! Based on his opinion only. I think he said he had heard some OHMs years ago. And probably his desire to make me want the Magicos as well.

What is the league we are talking about exactly?
Each tag must include both parts

At $40K the MM3s are a flat steal- all MM3 owners should be arrested!!

Fully agreed, same for Nordost Odin speaker cables-at $25K those are steal. Most owners(especialy those who bought with discount) should be arested and guillotined. End of story. My apologies for MM and Nordost company owners- because of buyers like this companies bankrupt. Shame on them.
Get on you're flame suits! I have heard Magico speakers 3 times this year and I wasn't Impressed. Sure they are built great but to my ear they are not very musical. Disclaimer: I only heard them with solid state electronics. Maybe that is the problem.
Sorry for the double post. Apparently, it can take in excess of 24 hours to get a response posted,
Taters, I too have now heard both Q5 and Q7s and don't get all the hoopla either. Not yet. Once for a brief few minutes I did hear the Q5 with tube amps but my dealer quickly had to lower the volume as the tubes started 'sparkly'. Q5 is more tougher load for tubes. Q7 on the other hand is probably should be much more comfortable. I will find out in couple of weeks when I might have an op to audition Q7s with tubes.

However, how can the best speakers in the world be not time, phase and/or pulse aligned and still sound realistic. At least I didn't read no mention of Q7s having any or all of the above three design characteristics in the review.

Evolution acoustics MM3 or MM7 on the other hand does look (by stepped array of speakers. I haven't auditioned yet) like having above design characteristics. Needless to say I prefer to have these characteristics in my speakers to be completely believable. So I may be biased.
It is all about taste, but IMHO, I very much enjoyed listening to the Q7 and the Evolution (forget which model). The Q7 were very fast but still full sounding. The Evolution presented with lots of inner detail but were also very well rounded and not fatiguing. The Wilson X 2 sounded great, but not as good. They were very exciting to listen to, but I also found the mid and lower highs having a little too much bite and the mid bass a little too much. Nit picking, I would love a pair of X2, but sharing my experience.
Mate if you or anyone believes what the Absoulute Sound writes is the be all and end all you need to get out and hear more gear.

IMHO neither the Magico nor the Wilsons are the best cost is not object stuff out there - nor are they by a long shot cost is no object. I know a number of speakers I have heard and speakers peoples whose ears I trust have heard such as Rockport, Lumen White, Tidal and a small speaker maker I know, Lenehan Audio, that easily best them. And the Magico most definitely is not a cost is no object design - for example it does not use Duelund Cast Capacitors which virtually everyone agrees are the best capacitors on the planet - but at about $1000.00 each are also the most uber expensive and a real cost is no object component. Speakers I know that are genuinely cost is no object use them - Magico doesn't.

And now for the clanger - at least one of those real cost is no object speakers are way cheaper than Wilsons and Magico. What you pay for with those speakers is the huge amount they spend on marketing so you know about them, can hear them at a high end salon, and read about them in magazines like Absolute Sound. Basically its just marketing hype - not reality.

Don't get caught up in in it - listen to gear and make up your own mind.

Ya I call bs on Johnathan tinn and the whole deal with the selling the magico q 7 for evoulation speakers. I don't care which model it is evoulation the guy listen to in a side by side comparison. I've heard both speakers and and something is sketchy. The magico q7 was amazing. I think it's a set up to discredit magico. Bash me if ya want I'm sticking with wolf on this one.
I just saw David Wilson at the bank. He was the guy in front of me with a wheel barrow full of cash, he didn’t look too upset.
Documentroom.... with all due respect there are folks here and on WBF that have stated that the Micro's sound better than many other brands, price no object. Why is it hard to believe that someone could trade in speakers after listening to them side by side? Isn't that the best way to make a determination on what you enjoy versus having to go and audition them in showrooms or listening at Audio Shows? If the person liked what he liked then who are we to comment on his decision? It's his money and his speakers to do as he wishes.

3wayxover - I agree with your comment that it's all about taste. We should be able to listen to whatever floats our boat regardless of what other's opinions are.

I have a suggetion for anyone who lives in the LA/OC area.........

Mr. Weinhart, I know you don't have an event at your store with the LAOC until October, but maybe we could do an early special event. We can invite the LAOC and ask Robert Harley to host the event and I will bring over the Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne loudspeaker that I own and do a shootout. I think this would be a great opportunity to see how the MicroOne's stack up against the Magico's. Could be fun!!!!
The league we are talking about is the accurate representation of the recorded event. Live music. I'm sorry if/that the Magico dealer 'ridiculed' you, as you say. I wouldn't ridicule anyone's personal tastes. Many people just love the Bose sound. And Ohms. And I don't doubt that many enjoy the music through these systems more than many audiophiles enjoy music through their expensive systems. I enjoy music through my car radio too. But I don't pretend that it is accurate or high end, or try to compare my car stereo to a high end home system, like you compare your Ohms to Magico, Evolution, or Wilson. Your overwhelming/advertising number of posts on A'gon regarding Ohm (reflected by clicking on 'mapman'), and here your attempt to compare yours Ohms with Magico, EA, and Wilson is, like Ohm speakers, hardly transparent. But as long as you enjoy them, then more power to you. Take care.

Let me guess, you will be arriving at Weinhart place with your Subaru BRZ, so you can later go to the Ferrari LAOC user meeting and do a shootout with the new F12Berlinetta. Imagine, how fun would that be!!!
Dont think Wilson or Magico are raking the dosh in - the price they charge is high because of the model they have chosen - namely spending a fortune on marketing so everyone knows about them. For example when new Magico speakers were released in Singapore they held a caviar and Champagne breakfast - and it was not cheap Champagne - it was Bollinger. Someone has to pay for it and guess who that is - you the consumer. Sure the owners are probably doing OK but the real cost of the speakers is in the marketing - not because inordinate profits are being made.

As a buyer of gear there is only one thing you can do - hear a wide variety of gear and make your mind up based not on what reviewers say or the glossy adds in high end magazines but on what you hear. Once you do that you will find over time your views probably will undergo a bit of a change. And if you already do that why worry about what Absolute Sound thinks of the Wilson or Magico - you will see it for what it is - simply an extension of the marketing machine/hype too many people are overly influenced by.

'Documentroom.... with all due respect there are folks here and on WBF that have stated that the Micro's sound better than many other brands, price no object.'

One thing I do feel compelled to point out about the Micro is the cost seems to going up and up. Out here in Australia its been reported to be heading up to $6-7k. Now I don't know how true it is, or if its world wide or just something the local distributor is doing, but I do know a guy that got one and he says nice speaker - at the original it was evidently talked about being - $1500.00 - drop dead, at the $2500.00 it ended up - great value but at the higher prices I have heard bandied about forget it - there are other speakers better.

... and do a shootout. I think this would be a great opportunity to see how the MicroOne's stack up against the Magico's. Could be fun!!!!

Well, maybe for you. But honestly, you missed a very important detail:

It is Business (profit).

Please don't disturb that.
Razmika -

Let me guess, you will be arriving at Weinhart place with your Subaru BRZ, so you can later go to the Ferrari LAOC user meeting and do a shootout with the new F12Berlinetta. Imagine, how fun would that be!!!

That's a shootout I wish I could participate in! Very true...... fun! fun! fun!

and do a shootout. I think this would be a great opportunity to see how the MicroOne's stack up against the Magico's. Could be fun!!!!

Well, maybe for you. But honestly, you missed a very important detail:

It is Business (profit).

Please don't disturb that.

I'm not sure I follow. So we compare speakers, decide which one's we PERSONALLY like better, then it's about business? profit? Is that how most folks purchase their items after auditions? I usually go with some of the following factors.... can I afford it? How does it interact with the rest of my components? Etc? I normally don't worry about how much profit is in it for the company. Companies are in business to make a profit. It is our decision if we want to purchase what ever is being offered whether it be $2500.00 or $250,000.00.
"The league we are talking about is the accurate representation of the recorded event. "

Having attended many live events in many venues over the years, including a dozen or more this past year alone, I would say that OHMs are definitely in that league then IMHO and represent a tremendous value compared to Magico and perhaps also Wilson.

OHM sells direct only and does not advertise and market other than via word of mouth of owners. I suspect that to help keep overhead costs low and a focus on delivering the best sound possible for minimal cost enables what is delivered. OHM and Magico or Wilson cannot be compared in regards to how their products are marketed and sold.
"Many people just love the Bose sound. And Ohms. And I don't doubt that many enjoy the music through these systems more than many audiophiles enjoy music through their expensive systems. I enjoy music through my car radio too. But I don't pretend that it is accurate or high end, or try to compare my car stereo to a high end home system, like you compare your Ohms to Magico, Evolution, or Wilson. Your overwhelming/advertising number of posts on A'gon regarding Ohm (reflected by clicking on 'mapman'), and here your attempt to compare yours Ohms with Magico, EA, and Wilson is, like Ohm speakers, hardly transparent. But as long as you enjoy them, then more power to you."

What a condescending load of crap!

At least I am consistent and say what I mean. No need to apologize for that. Sorry if find the idea that speakers costing way less that more people might actually be ab le to afford and not targeting the high end specifically might compete with the poster boy brands of high end audio.

Maybe they do, and maybe they do not. One looking to spend tens of thousands or more on speakers otherwise would have little to lose and much to gain by finding out for themselves though I would say.

And I am always glad to talk about any product that I am fond of for whatever reason with anyone who is interested. It's nice to have a place like Audiogon to discuss these things where at least the discussion and learning about good sound and audio needed to make informed buying decisions is free.
Mr. Mapman, methinks thou doth protesteth too much.
Enjoy your Ohms and enjoy the holidays.
Best regards.
>>>That's a shootout I wish I could participate in! Very true...... fun! fun! fun!


I am sure you would, but people who buys Ferrari (Or Magico) are not interested in such petty. They have better thing to do then trying to justify their social status. Move on, enjoy your speakers and live within your means, both financially and mentally (-;
"Mr. Mapman, methinks thou doth protesteth too much."

The grouping with car audio is what set me off. Really??? C'mon and get serious.

Peace on Earth!

"I enjoy music through my car radio too. But I don't pretend that it is accurate or high end, or try to compare my car stereo to a high end home system, like you compare your Ohms to Magico, Evolution, or Wilson. "

I do like that you say what you think!

I'm glad your home system beats your car one. Surprisingly, so does mine! At least we have that in common. I will not be bringing my Alpine gear to any shootout. :-)

Razmika - Relax, it's only a hobby! Didn't mean to push any buttons! I merely suggested a public shootout so folks could here differences for themselves. Nothing more! No one is talking about anyone having to justify their social status. Just a fun time to be had by all. I have nothing to "move on" from. I enjoy my system and all is good with my mental state (I hope!).

Happy Holidays to everyone! Back to more music!

Strange, I was under the impression that you were trying to prove something. My bad…
Bhobba Lenehan,

Enough with your Lenehan praises and your Wilson and Magico bashing.
Take your speakers to a show and if it is true what you say than a bit of money spent on marketing will pay off for you and you can stop doing your marketing on these threads
how can reviews be unbiased when the manufacturers are buying ads by the boatload! Wilson always put cheap parts in their products, and really did not sound all that musical until you move to the top of their line up...verity Sarastros or their big brother, Lowengren beat just about all with their musicality and unforced and un audiophile presentation imho...there are spectators and participants, and the verity will have participants, emotionally engaged in the music, rather than watching a soundstage and listening for details which you would never hear in a live performance anyway...