@tomic601: The following may be of interest to you Jim, as it came from Roger Modjeski. I gave him a call, knowing that he used subs with his QUAD ESLs.
Danny Richie always talks about designing crossovers for specific drivers, using the x/o to mitigate the performance limitations of the drivers. In my conversation with Roger, he stated the QUAD panels have a resonant frequency in the upper end of double digit frequencies. He therefore used a crossover frequency of 100Hz, 4th-order (24dB/octave), for both high and low pass.
The Rythmik plate amp includes a 24dB/octave x/o slope, from 25Hz up to 120Hz. And with the plate amps supplied with the OB/Dipole woofer kit, the sub may be used up to an incredible 300Hz, so can be used in place of the stock woofer in the Eminent Technology LFT-8b (which crosses from it’s magnetic-planar driver to a sealed-enclosure 8" woofer at 180Hz), a killer combo. The OB/Dipole Sub is also perfect for use with any and all Maggies, and dipole-planars in general.
For years I used a KEF B139 woofer in a transmissionline loaded enclosure with my QUADS, but the Rythmik/GR Research OB/Dipole Woofer is a whole ’nother ballgame. Like Eminent Technology, Modjeski employed a sealed 8" woofer with his QUADS. Me, I want that bottom octave.