+1 @xwfalcon @mitch2 on the Tambaqui. It is excellent and has a very stable resale price. It is very resolving but not bright, and benefits from a good steamer. I think OP can improve things by eliminating the Macbook Pro vs a dedicated streamer. Computers run so much other functions they are noisy. I am no an optical fan either, preferring a good switch with LPS . I found the Grimm MU1 a perfect match for the Tambaqui, and it runs Roon Core, so that eliminated a bunch of stuff vs my old Ron Nucleus. However, I am not sure the Grimm is optimized for DSD, as it excels in its upsampling of lower resolution files. But on the plus side, it really makes non DSD files sound great. I also recommend the Auralic Aries with the Tambaqui. I had an Aurender N20 in for a spell, but did not choose it.
DAC recommendation for DSD input
Hello-- 80% of my listening is streaming local DSD (64-256) files via Roon. My current system is Roon Core on an iMac Pro making its way to a Sonore Optical Rendu which is connected, via USB to the DAC in my Hegel H390 integrated which feeds Magico A3 speakers and a pair of REL S/510 subs.. There is nothing at all objectionable to my current system, nonetheless, I am wondering if an external DAC might be an improvement over the H390's DAC and if that is a worthwhile spend. I am space constrained so I must stick with an integrated (pre+amp), but do have space for a DAC and the Rendu system.
I have spent hours researching many of the newer and older DACS, including the cheaper "Chifi" DACS (Topping, Gustard R26 and X26iii), T+A 200 DAC, PS Audio Direct Stream MKi2 and Mola Mola Tambaqui (used) and other DACs in-between (Denefrips Pontus and Terminator, Holo May, Wyred for Sound 10th anniversary, etc).
I would rather spend $5k-$10K for a significant improvement as opposed to $1K-$4K for no or a slight improvement. My hope is for more resolution, more musicality, less high frequency fatigue, tighter bass. Is it unrealistic to expect that an external DAC will bring a significant improvement?
My system is in a decent room, but there is little to no choice in speaker placement or room treatment opportunities.
I have a chance to audition the T+A 200 DAC and the Direct Stream MK2. In a previous system, I had an MSB Discrete stack which was nice, but I'm not sure that would be the worth the cost today.
What type of DAC (chip based, FPGA, R2R, OS/NOS) is more structured to DSD input? I've almost ruled out R2R, but could be mistaken? The deeper I look, the more confused I get.
Thanks for any recommendations or advice.
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- 45 posts total
@fastfreight i havr Lumin U2 for a streamer and with the Tambaqui I am very happy with my digital side of the system so much so I need to upgrade analog side as it has fallen behind |
@mitch2-- Thank you. I am impressed with your knowledge and experience regarding DACs. @fasrfreight-- Thanks, I just purchased the Optical Rendu a few weeks ago, mainly because the Hegel H390 had a low res network input (DSD64 only) and the Rendu would permit me to use the USB input. There seemed to be a pretty noticeable improvement in the SQ and I've been happy with it. My Roon Core is on an iMac Pro, not a MacBook Pro and the only app running on is the Roon Core. Nonetheless, I agree that a dedicated server would be an improvement. I could go the SGC SonicTransport route but I'm just not feeling that. I know a lot of people are happy with the ST/OR combo. In researching other servers or server/streamer devices, I'm finding the OR to be redundant and its inclusion seems to limit the choices for dedicated servers. Yet, the idea of abandoning it so soon after buying is disagreeable. Can you or anyone recommend a server (other than SGC ST) that would improve the digital front end as well as make use of the OR? What about an Innuos Zen Mini MK3 ? Also, what is it about optical that causes you not to be a fan?
@mintakax, I think of all the DACs mentioned above, the T+A, the Holo May and Mola Mola would be the ones to check out. I was ready to pay $$$ to those DACs that bring uniqueness to the table. I don't think you will be disappointed at any of these 3 DACs. I know most people will say - it is the implementation that matters - good for for them |
Hi @mintakax, fair questions! Like many, (and you) I tried several things to optimize and clean up my digital. I did try an optical interface early on, but the rest of my system was also not great back then. For me, it was getting an M12 switch from JCAT with and Optimo LPS that was a major leap up. So I eliminated the optical, and I eliminated the Ether Regen, and focused on high quality ethernet cables with the switch. Today I have two good switches in series, the JCAT M12 Gold and a GTT DeJitterit Switch X. Together they sound better than either one alone. As for the computer, I formerly used a Mac Mini, with everything turned off I could to avoid extraneous programs. It was good, as I am sure your Mac is. But a dedicated streamer will probably add favorably. Everyone likes the one they are familiar with, and whose software (or Roon) the enjoy. I agree with that! When I first got my Tambaqui, I was sure I was done. No dedicated streamer. But when I added the Aries, it got much better. Take care! |
- 45 posts total