@jastralfu - I hear you about the MA9500 @ 300 watts. $12K is within my budget BUT I am weary about spending so much without first seeing it or hearing it. I'm on the hunt for more dealers now and am awaiting some call-backs to see if they have the MA9500 in-stock for me to demo. It really seems to be a once-in-a-lifetime purchase. Even if I upgrade my speakers in the future, this powerhouse of a unit will light them up, I think.
@fplopes - I've heard elsewhere that tube-amps and even hybrids, with tubes in the pre-amp section, give out a humming sound - which apparently, isn't a new thing! And people are OK with it :) So, I am sold on the autoformers, I think :)
@oddiofyl MA8950 @200 watts for EA-III is a bit much, isn't it? The website recommends an amp in the 35-125W range. Or are you also saying what @jastralfu is saying - you have more meat up-front to drive your speakers -- the more power, the better ability of the speakers to drive --- music?