Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I'd comment but have decided I will not engage in anything political on THIS site. 
What's up MC? Dishin' out a double dose of Boohoo. You aught to be thankful. Things will get better, just have to look  little harder sometimes.
It takes a while to train people, not to slobber on each other.

Though the occasional drool, get's me to the front of the line. :-)

It's a whole new year
So be of good cheer
Be thankful we're not stuck with Vladimir!

Honk Honk

M, calm down.  It's just Mom Nature pulling our collective leashes and thinning our hoard down a bit.  The Japanese have been masked for years already, since any mass collections of our species tend to brew all manner of physical calamities.  Covid just happens to be just another in a long history, and 'herd immunity' takes time to take hold.....

Go get vaccinated when you can.  Keep the mask on, it hides the scowl.
I'd buy you a drink just to see if you can be made to smile...;)
Wake up. There’s a reason they call it the new normal. Geez where have you been the last year??? Two weeks to flatten the curve was..... a year ago. No sooner does the vaccine come out then oh gosh look there’s a new strain! Do we not get a new flu vaccine every year? And you think its gonna be any different with this one? What planet are you on? WAKE UP!!! There is no going back to normal! There is either severe war to stop the communists or the great reset goes on. Either way ain’t gonna be no freaking Axpona!

There is by the way no such thing as staying safe. Never was, never has been, never will be. Life is not safe. Period. Full stop. And hate to be the one to break this to you, but no one gets out alive. No, not even if you wear a face diaper and virtue signal all over the inter web.

Guess I should mock your virtue signaling and close with stay oblivious sheeple!