Computer updated and now Roon is blocked

My windows 10 laptop updated by Microsoft and now I can't get Roon past the initial icon for Roon. I tried a few "allow" setting on my computer and they both are set on allow private and public. I don't where to look next. The community board on Roon was no help, so I decided to ask here. Thx

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Showing 1 response by gdnrbob

I would also try using a program called CCleaner, to wipe out any previous programs. 

If Windows upgraded, then there should be a restore point that you could revert the PC back to a point where Roon worked.

FWIW, I haven't had any issue with MS updates and Roon. I would look at the Windows firewall settings. Roon should be listed and you can see if it is allowed or not.
