Component contributions to “sound stage”

What components in your stereo system do you think make the largest contribution to your perception of sound stage in your system?  Which element or component contributes the least to this part of the stereo listening experience?

Rankings are fine.  Justifications or explanations are even better.


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Soundstage is recorded on the source.  So look for components that reproduce the source most accurately. 

Have you noticed that sometimes when an OP asks a serious question, a difficult question, many of the responders poke fun because they can't provide a thoughtful,  experienced response.

In my experience regarding soundstage,  speakers are the most significant contributor, but that can be altered by source, amplification, room, etc.

The least contributing component is usually the disconnected component.

The rest of components contributing pretty much equal with speakers doing usually more than rest.

1. Get thee an inexpensive SPL Meter combined with a CD (not LP) with Test Tones (I use 'Amazing Bytes' (a few on discogs now). Use tools 1st, then adjust to personal preference.

2. refine Speakers Location and Toe-In for that space/listening position(s)

3. Vinyl: Cartridge Choice: Prior to sound 'preference' choice:

Wide Stereo Separation and Tight Center Balance specs effect imaging tremendously.

4. Balance refinement, remote balance preferred. A small balance tweak can make a large improvement in imaging.


Speakers design in relation to room ...

For headphone the amplifier/pre which play the second role in creating a better virtual speakers/room soundstaging impression may appear more important. But even with headphone the acoustic design of the shell cup and his acoustic content will be the first factor. The problem is most headphone do not have acoustically well designed shell/cups nor any resonators tuning inside as my K340... ( i dislike generally headphones because of the "inside of the head soundstage" because of their lack of shell acoustic room tuning among others factors for sure ) 😊

----Then Speakers/room as no1...

----Amplifier and preamplifier No2

----Dac design as no3


Speakers /room are always the main factor but this fact can appear to be reversed or contradicted in favor of number 2 or 3 in each specific situation with a specific gear pieces and a specific owner situation and history and needs ...

But at the end we cannot replace acoustics principles as the first rule with historical relative impressions of each different listeners in his specific constraining situation as the rule...

Speakers/room relation is the main factor nevermind our anecdotal but very real for sure gear dependant impressions ...


What i said is true for our usual classical owner of stereo system situation ...

But the crosstalk disruptive effect of any stereo system cannot be cured by speakers/room relation only nor any other classical gear upgrade.

We must buy the BACCH filters to improve not only soundstage dimensions and impressions but localisation of sound source and listener envelopment, then immersiveness.

«Dr. Edgar Choueiri, a plasma physicist and Professor of Princeton University, delved into the world of 3D audio with one mission: crack the code on cross-talk cancellation. Within his research lab over the past decade, he was able to perfect cross-talk-cancellation of two loudspeakers to produce true 3D audio that replicates any binaurally recorded or virtually constructed soundscape perfectly. »

In reverse, which component, when replaced, would change your perception of sound stage, the least?

Either way, this likely is going nowhere.