Comparison between MHDT Havana and iDecco or Nova


I recently purchased Peachtree iDecco for my office and ran a quick test its DAC with my stereo system at home to see our good it is.
I was very impressed with iDecco's DAC for better imaging, sound stage, and more musical compared to my current DAC (PS Audio DLIII with cullan stage 3 modified).
My system includes Oppo 981HD, PS Audio dac, LFD Zero MKIII LE amp, Harbeth 7ES3.
Now I am convinced I need a tube DAC and considering either use iDecco at home system or getting a tube DAC, such as MHDT Havana.
I'd appreciate it if anyone tried both DACs and give me an input on this.



Showing 1 response by orjazzm

Sorry if I'm off topic but, I was wondering how your LFD and Harbeths faired with rock and other dynamic music.