Is your WiFi not capable of copying Word files or printing documents? If it does, then there is no difference with Ethernet. Networks are designed to deliver information with zero loss. Over cables, satellite, fiber, wired, wireless.
@mikhailark Absolutely!!! There’s no difference between any digital transmission whatsoever because it’s all ones and zeros so what could possibly go wrong and there’s no possibility whatsoever of any variability or error in any digital signal. Of course transmitting text documents is identical to audio signals!!! How could that possibly be any different? 🙄🙄🙄 Oh wait — jitter and timing for just one thing. Does jitter and timing affect text transmission? Uh, I think not. If you don’t think digital clocks and timing have any impact on sonic results in audio you are in the extreme minority here and are ignoring tons of research and empirical studies that show the contrary. Bits are not bits when it comes to audio, and there are multiple factors that can influence what we ultimately hear in digital audio from filters to cables, clocks, shielding, and everything in between. That you refuse to accept the research or hear the differences is on you but keep preaching your ill-informed, tin-eared doctrine if you must. The rest of us know — and hear — better.