Coherent Speakers from Canada

Hi. I am quite interested in this line of speakers, especially the 10" and 12" models..has anyone had experience with them? or currently running them? The only place I see them for sale is from a dealer in Canada, Audiowise....any info would be appreciated.

The type of music you listen to requires an audio system capable of providing a very organic and realistic presentation. No doubt that this wonderful genre of music sounds devine in your home. West Coast jazz horn players ? Oh yea! 😊
I listen mostly to jazz......all forms and 50% CD and 50% vinyl. I especially listen to West Coast Jazz horn players...but lots of piano as well.
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Thanks for chiming in Frank.......I think there is a lot of interest and I know you are better able to speak about these speakers than i...but boy I am enjoying them:-)
Hi Everyone, Frank here and I just thought to let you all know that my site is lacking( suck!) but I have a choice build customers orders 
or work on site for future orders. Over the next few weeks I will add
more info, but in the mean time just email me if you have any questions.
PS I still haven't finished planting my tomatoes and that should be priority. That gives you an idea how busy I am.
I have the Coincident Frankenstein MK II SET amplifier and use the EML XLS.  You obviously have superb taste! 😊  It is a fantastic tube and I bet that your system sounds absolutely wonderful. 
Charles 1 I am using a modded Cary 300 SEI with NOS 6sn7 and EML XLS 300b tubes....
They kind of remind of one of the WLM speakers, a monitor I believe.
Having just wood baffles with no dampening also reminds me of Ocellia  speakers. It's a proven recipe and it takes a certain chef to get it just right. I hope you're rewarded with your purchase.

All the best,
@rwanda Just discovered this thread; thanks for bringing this brand to our attention. I like the whole coaxial design principle, in general, and I'd love to hear them some day; sounds like a great match for SET amps.
Hi rwanda, 
It seems that at most of the audio shows the Coherent speaker is mated to  the highly regarded Triode Labs 2A3 SET amplifier with apparently stellar results.  What amplifier are you using with these speakers?
Thank you Charles......Frank is not someone who is spending time on his website, since he is a 1 man operation all his time goes into the building of the speakers. Audiowise Canada has some further information and pictures I  believe....and I would encourage anyone interested to contact Frank as he is more than willing to talk about the speakers.

From my conversation this morning with him an interesting fact is that there is no sound dampening material in the boxes...only a series of wood baffles..which allows a very neutral non fatiguing sound and of course a certain PRAT ....just lovely for my music choices.
Congratulations on your new speakers, being this pleased with them at this early juncture is very encouraging. Based on their design and what I’ve been able to read about them they seem to be very well executed. I look forward to further listening impressions from you.

I’ve been an advocate of efficient easy to drive speakers and SET/low power amplifiers for quite some time. I can appreciate yours and Wolf’s happiness with this choice. . Done correctly it can result in superb natural sound.
I still find that the site for Coherent remains somewhat incoherent as only one model pops up in the "products" area, but more than one is discussed elsewhere. Is more coherency to be expected, or does one simply need to talk to the designer? In any case, they look interesting to me as I now am bound to efficiency in speaker purchasing if not when posting comments.
An update....the speakers arrived yesterday and they are now set up and running....where shall I begin?
First they look beautiful, the craftsmanship is amazing....and just lovely to behold! understated and elegant.....but more importantly the too my ears perfect. I am listening to Bill Evans in the Black feels as if he is present both low and higher volumes.....importantly they have only been playing for about 20-30 minutes so after a day or two or three I will write a more detailed observation.
Needless to say I am more than satisfied and want to state what a gentleman Frank is to deal with and speak with.......I highly recommend  more people who love SET amplifiers look and listen to these new speakers...a perfect compliment.

Hello I am awaiting delivery of the new speakers...I had to be overseas for work for 5 weeks then a move so I asked Frank to make them and then to burn them in....I heard back that they are sounding wonderful and are being shipped this week. Once I have had some time with them I will let you know my thoughts.....I told Frank no rush when I ordered them as I knew I would be away.....
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i will follow up...Frank is actually making the pair for me now....and keeping me informed with images.....i expect they will arrive soon and then need some "break-in" time. i ordered the 10" version as that was what I thought fit my room previous speakers were Blumenhofer FS3..and 8" I expect this will be a nice surprise, though the FS were fantastic as well.
@rwanda please do let us know how they go. Don't leave us hanging, as so often happens with these threads...
This speaker brand has received very good show reviews/reports at the Canadian TAVES particularly from 6 Moons. The designer Frank Fazzalari is quite regarded. It is apparently an easy to drive speaker,  6 Moons said it sang in a large room with a 10 watt amplifier. I'm interested in your listening impressions in due time. 
Very nice looking speakers. To say version can sound discrediting to the builder. There are plenty of full designs that aren’t distinctly un similar. They reminded me of Tannoy firstly.
Looking at the pictures, these speakers definitely looks like a Canadian version of a Devore orangutan :).  Let us know what you think once get them. 
Spoke with the maker Frank the past days...a really wonderful man who is very open about what he is making....really high quality workmanship , thought and parts going into these speakers. I have already ordered a pair and am looking forward to hearing them with my 300b amp. I also want to commend Dan at Audiowise...a really great person to speak with and deal with..he made this all go very smoothly... with direct answers and thoughtful suggestions. It is so nice when one runs into people like this in our "passion"....I always wish to support them! Yes they need a more in-dpeth website , but hey they are busy making the product and available to speak...that is all I can ask for!!! thank you all for your input.
Coherent, if they're serious about actually selling these things, should hire somebody to put together a website. Or simply get a reasonably adept high school kid to do one for free as an intern.
Ontario and Quebec has some rich speaker making heritage some of which doesnt become widely known or  even make it into global market, not because it isn't good. Coherant is just down the road from me. I liked hearing Omega's on Blue Circle gear.  
No info on their website. The one image on their site, the speaker looks like a Snell type E clone.  Similar to some of the Devore and Audio Note speakers.