Coda 8 amp
Hi, I have a Coda No. 40 amplifier with the newest low noise input transistors which the No. 8 has. The No. 40 is a similar design to the No.8 but has more output transistors, and a larger power supply. I am sure Doug Dale at Coda can give you the specific details. I have had many excellent solid state and tube amps over the years. Most recently the ARC REF 150, the Pass Labs 100.5, Rowland 625, and the Krell 402e. In my experience, the No. 40 is an excellent amp with a neutral tonal balance, excellent control of my Martin Logan CLX speakers, superior transparency as well as excellent imaging. Depending on the need for power/current or voltage, For loudspeakers less demanding than the CLX, the No. 8 would be an excellent choice at a lower price than the No.40. Good luck with your choice. |
I highly recommend Coda and I too am looking at the NO 8 as a possible amp contender - waffling between Pass Labs and Coda, both of which have great reviews. My brother-in-law has had Plinius, Bedini, lots of vintage gear, tubes and prefers his Coda. The Coda is a company that flies under the radar of most and I am glad @teajay reviewed the No 8. US Based quality companies deserve the press. |
I have owned the CSiB, the #8, and now the #16. The #16 is a great amp and the other 2 are very good. However, if I was in the market for an amp in the CODA #8 price range, I would do a 15-day home trial of the Schitt Wotan ($2k). I currently have both the Wotan and #16 in the house and think these 2 are my long-term keepers. The remote-control option on the amp ($50) is very convenient too. |
@robshaw, no there is no A/B switch. The dual speaker terminals are for biwiring. @yyzsantabarbara, how do the Wotan and #16 compare in sound quality and what is the rest of the chain with which you have used them? |
@jetter The Wotan is cleaner on top than the A21+ which I found a bit thick on top. The A21+ was very strong on the bottom as is the Wotan. The Wotan also has a FEEDBACK ON/OFF that changes the gain and was interesting at low volume (like a loudness button). I also love the remote-control feature of the amp, via my iPhone. I think the Wotan is preferred by me by a large margin over the A21+. The Wotan reminds me somewhat of the KRELL DUO 175XD amp. That is a smooth warm amp with good power. The Wotan maybe has more grunt and maybe a touch less of that warmth. I loved the DUO 175XD and sold it to buy the CODA #16 which I like a bit more. @rlovendale The Wotan vs the #16 is not that dissimilar, both are very powerful amps. With respect to things like soundstage, imaging, etc, they are similar. Overall, the Wotan It is not as good as the #16, but it is maybe tied for the second-best amp I have owned (with KRELL DUO 175XD). I do think the #16 is an exceptional amp and the only amp that sounded better to me cost over $100k. I have not heard that many amps. I think my Livingroom system with the Yamaha NS5000 speaker | Holo Audio Serene preamp | Schitt Yggi+ OG DAC (amazing unit) is a bit better than having the Wotan in the same setup. That naturalness (or calmness) in the sound with that tremendous power is amazing. The Wotan as a bit more of an aggressive sound but not fatiguing. Preferences may come into play here, but I think most would take the #16., On my Magnepan Mini in my office (look at Virtual Sytems). The Wotan is amazing. Maybe as good as the #16. That system is the Benchmark HPA4 preamp | Benchmark DAC3B or Schitt Yggi+ LIM DAC | Magnepan Mini speakers. I actually prefer the hot on top DAC3B in this system. If I had to choose an amp for this system, it would be the Wotan. Save a ton of cash and get the same enjoyment factor compared to the #16. Basically, I am suggesting trying out the Wotan on a home demo, especially with a Maggie (and likely KEF which I have owned).
Hi yyz. I'm the OP on this thread We've "talked" before and I believe we have similar taste. I now wave the Krell 175xd, a Benchmark LA4 preamp, KEF Reference 5 Speakers (non meta), Innuous Zenith 3, PS Audio Directstream 2, rega planar 6. I know you liked the Krell and liked the Coda 16 even better. Do you think I would hear a noticable difference with the Coda? Like you, I'm pretty happy with the Krell ...and just hope the company gets its act together.
@brownsf Have you considered trying a Naim Supernait? A friend of mine has a Naim integrated with KEF Reference towers and they have amazing synergy. |
@brownsf No, just keep the KRELL it is a great match for the KEF. I love the way that KRELL sounds, and I am normally not a fan of warm smooth sound, but that KRELL DUO really works for me. The #16 is not as smooth or warm and you may not like it as much with the neutral KEF. I may get a more neutral DAC to add to your system, so you have the Direct Stream and something else to have some variety, especially with the KRELL. I would suggest the Schitt Yggi+ OG but they do not sell it anymore. My too hot on top Benchmark DAC3B is nice on the KRELL (and cheap). It is all about system matching. My Yamaha NS5000 speaker likely is not a great match with the KRELL. My #16 was not as great with the NS5000 as it is now until I added the Yggi+ OG DAC. Prior to that I found it a bit too warm with the Yggi+ LIM DAC and was thinking I should get another amp. Glad I did not do that.
Thanks for the detailed discussion of the amps. In my system when listening to the A21+, it was as you mentioned, the highs of the A21+ just seemed a bit different (your definition of thick nails it). Not hot, but I preferred my older but recently modded monoblocks and sold the Parasound. From your description, the Wotan sounds like a great amp. It won't be a surprise if I end up with one.