This has been a very busy and enlightening thread and I thank you all for your input so far. Rushton, I have isopropyl alcohol but it's "Rubbing" and only 72% pure so I'll have to get a more 'purer' version... Gammajo: thanks for the very informative link, it's starting to give me second thoughts about using the Silclear at all and that maybe my best bet is getting some Caig Deoxit to apply first,(or simply using some pure Isopropyl alcohol or Kontact as a cleaner) and then simply following up with the regular Caig Progold which I've always used. The other option might be the Walker SST which seems to have a better following or the last choice might be simply to use the Silclear but only on the few easy to clean off locations such as my speaker spades and amp binding posts... things I can easily get to. Maybe the male ends of my power cords, but that will make me worry if I could be degrading inside the wall socket over time (which would certainly be a disaster). The consistent consensus that keeps coming up though is: don't use too much/ keep it down to a very thin coat, and it really is difficult to remove once its been applied. I'll let you all know what I do (at this point I may chicken out on it even though I've already bought it) or I may play with it a little, as above. Once again though: thanks to all. Happy lissn'n.