Clean ground

I’m wanting to establish a clean ground for my audio equipment. I get power off batteries, so live and neutral is not an issue. However, I have components that require ground/earth. I do not want to use the ground from the wall sockets as that will probably noisy.

Has anybody establish a separate ground for their audio equipment? What is the best way to go about it? 

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

Hi Pauly,

The ground is there for safety reasons, but are not part of the audio or power circuit until a fault occurs.  When a fault occurs which allows voltage to flow through the chasis the safety ground (that pesky middle pin) conducts 15 or 20 A blowing the breaker before anyone can be shocked.

So, no the circuits does not require ground but safety does.

The best ideas I have seen is to use a high power inductor on the ground. Something that can take 15 Amps.  This will allow you to meet code requirements and also keep the noise out of your system.  I believe some expensive power conditioners now do this.

If you are completely off the grid though, with no grounds like cable TV or anything else connecting you you can create your own ground which should be noise free.

