It seems in the realm of possibility that a machine similar to the ones that build the smd boards, could troubleshoot and rework them. For now it seems mostly that only the factory will service smd boards and after warranty expires well... For myself, my hands are too big and my eyesight is not good enough to want to go near one of those boards...
@pwayland I don't think anyone has eyesight good enough to work on surface mount boards like that without magnifying glasses. But if you have those its a different matter. Its all about the tools you have and like cars or bicycles, the tools change with the times. FWIW we build our modules by hand. If the components were any smaller that likely wouldn't be the case.
WRT the old module, that's not unlike what you run into with bad filter caps and other parts in older stuff. Last year I repaired a set of Adcom amps that had caps that had leaked and thus destroyed the driver boards in the amps. You can't clean them up- the material of the board was damaged in this particular model. The only solution is to replace the boards which is what I did. Not cheap and not particularly easy, plus you wind up with a waste board that is about 3x larger than the typical class D module. So while I understand your concern, the simple fact is this is nothing different with class D in any way whatsoever!