Class D for Repatriated Merlin TSM MMI

I recently repatriated a pair of Merlin TWM MMI from Singapore. Calvin Ho of CK Audio made its return home quick and painless.

I have read the forums and understand that most seem to prefer tube amps. I know that is is against convention so far as I've read, but, due to heat, space, my back and weight, I am inquiring  of any successful synergistic  pairing of Class D amps. (Yes, I am trying to avoid 55 pounds of iron)

My sense are these little guys might benefit from lots of power but like everything the proof and synergy is in the pudding.

Thanks for any experience one can share.




Showing 5 responses by derekw_hawaii

vinylvalet. Thanks for the referral. Never heard of these. If you ever get to hook the Merlins up, please drop a comment, pm or publicly.

I am inclined to put much greater weight upon actual listening pairing.

soix, Budget would be $5k max, probably in the used market, as there may be more value there.  Clarity (absence of veil) and soundstage, ,but I would like to be emotionally invested in whatever I listening to.Not into analytical listening.

marco1, I've heard of but not that much commentary on Ralphs Class D. I need to check out the sticker those.

@signaturesound  Thanks Rich. It will really interesting the hear how the AS Class D compares to and pairs with the TSMs. Probably the first and only class D pairing observations to date. Please especially comment as to the clarity and soundstage aspects vs the other amps that you have experienced. Happy evaluating over the weekend.