Class D for Repatriated Merlin TSM MMI

I recently repatriated a pair of Merlin TWM MMI from Singapore. Calvin Ho of CK Audio made its return home quick and painless.

I have read the forums and understand that most seem to prefer tube amps. I know that is is against convention so far as I've read, but, due to heat, space, my back and weight, I am inquiring  of any successful synergistic  pairing of Class D amps. (Yes, I am trying to avoid 55 pounds of iron)

My sense are these little guys might benefit from lots of power but like everything the proof and synergy is in the pudding.

Thanks for any experience one can share.




Showing 4 responses by sbank

@derekw_hawaii  The Merlins aren’t that tough to drive and Bobby P at Merlin (R.I.P) used to pair them with modestly powered amps all the time. Yes, Atma-Spheres were a natural, but the S30s or a pair of M60s were ample. I believe Ralph’s Class D are $8K and sold out for the moment.

The guy who’s advice would be best is Rich Brkich at Signature Sound in Liverpool, NY. Rich spent more time doing shows with Merlin and probably sold more Merlins than anyone else. He is intimately familiar with every aspect of every model and probably every pairing. He’s a modest, knowledgable guy is always happy to help any Merlin enthusiast get the most for his money. Cheers,
