Choose between McIntosh MA9000 used vs MA8950 new

I really need some input! I am trying to upgrade from my starter kit. I just found a used 4-5 years old MA9000, fine condition (except cosmetics), and is comparing to buying a new MA8950. Ma9000 has generous leg room (300 W) with more tone controls, bigger everything, but that was older 2017 technology and already discontinued. Ma8950 is less powerful (200W), but is the latest design, bit better DAC, more dynamic headroom (filter capacity). Now I cannot decide which one to go for. Btw I used streamer as my source most of the time, and driving a b&w 805 d4. Thanks for your help.


Thank you everybody for your inputs, I think I shall go the route for the new Ma8950, though a bit higher in price, but I shall keep it long term with my speakers.

An integrated is confining. Unless you have space issues I would branch out with a few separates. McIntosh is known for amplifiers. So much better things out there worthy of exploration

Although they do offer tone controls which is nice. Tone controls tend to restrict the signal path and you can really hear the difference when you disable feature in most processors.


I have owned  8950 for about 6 months and love it! I like the dac and the eq that other models don’t have. 200 watts is plenty for me through my Klipsh chorus 2s . 

You can’t go wrong with new and a warranty Imho

I am a 8950 owner, and there's already a lot good opinion above,

  • 200w rms, 400we Peak.
  • New in condition
  • Come with DA2
  • Etc

Since you use 805 d4 I would say go for 8950, and I have some different experience to share with you.

Somebody already said that, you might underestimate the da2. And also, if you really enjoy the ''mac sound'', you might want to just use the DA2. It's the best sync.

I have done a blinded test between DA2 and ps audio nuwave dac(non dsd version). 4 out of 5 guys pointed correct wich is pure mac and which is ps with mac.

I have changed the power cap in the nuwave dac, and that makes my ps dac mac sounding like. The only guy make mistake is the only mac owner and he said he made a oppsite choice because it sounds ''too mac'' to him

I have spent considerable time with this amp and would be proud to own one. In no way is this amp going to be the bottleneck or limiting factor of any system that most would assemble. It’s a strong argument for not having to buy separates. It’s that good. Plus you can always add an Amp. Yes the DAC card is that good.