choice of midrange cap?

Aloha Fellow 'Goners,
Presently looking at a 1.0 uf Mundorf Oil and Silver or (yikes!)Duelund cap for my top of the line Fostex horn tweeter. Mid range vintage JBL horn driver uses 40 uf. What cap recommendations could you give me for this value that would be more down to earth $$$ wise yet still compliment the top end? This is a 3-way horn system with sub.

Also, what sonic complications are caused by say mixing a 25uf with a 15uf to make up 40uf since many manufacturers don't make 40's in certain compositions? Thanks for any guidance on this topic.
Kirkus: That's good to hear as I was concerned that time smear would result from "by-passing" a 25uf cap with a 15uf to achieve 40uf. Thanks
Also, what sonic complications are caused by say mixing a 25uf with a 15uf to make up 40uf since many manufacturers don't make 40's in certain compositions?
None whatsoever, especially in a generic/general sense. Of course, I'm sure that out of the hundreds of thousands of capacitor types available, you could find some combinations that are problematic . . . but there's no way to predict this without knowing all of the very specific, and generally unknown/unpublished, electrical characteristics of each. But with high-quality film caps, you're on very safe ground.

Now on the other hand, changes to the crossover design itself have a huge impact, and if this is a custom speaker system, then that's a better tree to be barking up . . .
In my experience, nothing competes with the Duelund, but major money here!

The Mundorf Silver/Oil could impart a bit extra brightness.

Haven't heard the Clarity, heard good things about them, however.

Another cap to consider is the Jantzen Z-Superior copper cap, really nice cap very few know about. Alas, only goes up to 22uf, would have to use two.
Johnk: I see that Clarity has three versions. Any noticeable difference between them in your applications?

Guys: How do the voltage ratings come into play? I like the thought of using a lower voltage value to take advantage of the thinner di-electric. Also, in the case of the high end caps, the cost savings are very substantial. FYI, the amp would be less than 35W.

There are no problems with combining caps. I agree with John, try clarity caps.
Clarity makes a 39uf. Ive used with comps and fostex t500a, on the t500a I use mundorf silver gold.