choice of midrange cap?

Aloha Fellow 'Goners,
Presently looking at a 1.0 uf Mundorf Oil and Silver or (yikes!)Duelund cap for my top of the line Fostex horn tweeter. Mid range vintage JBL horn driver uses 40 uf. What cap recommendations could you give me for this value that would be more down to earth $$$ wise yet still compliment the top end? This is a 3-way horn system with sub.

Also, what sonic complications are caused by say mixing a 25uf with a 15uf to make up 40uf since many manufacturers don't make 40's in certain compositions? Thanks for any guidance on this topic.

Showing 2 responses by johnk

Clarity makes a 39uf. Ive used with comps and fostex t500a, on the t500a I use mundorf silver gold.