Change from full range electrostat speakers advice

I've been building and changing my various systems for over 50 years, having built my entry into listening with a monaural Heathkit in 1957, at the age of 15. My listening preference has always centered around detailed highs except in early years when many of us judged performance by how much bass we could reproduce.
Detail and resolution is still my biggest concern but my hearing has changed and I've become very sensitive to shrill sounds which at normal listening levels can actually be painful.
I have had many combinations of equipment in my home and still look back on my favorite which included McCormack or Arcam amps and JM Labs Electras with a mediocre CD player. I don't know if that would still be the case but I've been away from the marketplace for awhile and need advice.
In another thread I mentioned that I had listened to the combination of a Rogue Audio hybrid amp with Canalis Anima speakers. I believe that this is the best sound I've ever heard in many ways; I bought the Rogue Sphinx but can't afford the Canalis speakers so am looking for something with a similar combination of warmth and detail.
What I have now is a solid state Shanling S100 CD player, Rogue Audio hybrid amp and Martin Logan Odyssey speakers, which I've had for many years, and Sony jukebox with a CAL tube DAC. I also have another DAC ordered from off of Craigslist to install behind the CD player in an attempt to further tame the high mid to high frequencies.
I have the Odysseys on CL to trade for something high end but haven't had any offers. With what I have to start with, taking into consideration what I've expressed re my tastes, I would be very appreciative of advice, especially for speakers. I don't need big bass and would probably be happy with speakers limited to 60-65 Hz. I do have a Vandersteen sub which has been stored since I bought the Odysseys. Thanks
Thanks, all. You're right, Don, about Mark at Rogue; I spoke with him several weeks ago about bi-amping for better bass control when I thought I was going to keep the Odysseys. He was very generous and friendly with his advice and said that I shouldn't need it because of the high damping factor of the Sphinx.

I'm taking seriously the suggested speakers and am researching them. So far, I like what I've read about the Merlins but have found none for sale on the used market. I can't, at this time, rationalize the expense of new ones. Anyway, my search continues and I very much appreciate the input I've received from each of you.
You have a vandersteen sub. I would get some 3A's or 2Ce signatures and crossovers. I have owned only vandersteen models for 20 years. One guarantee is they are never bright. if it sounds bright after you set them up properly it is another piece of gear at fault. They are not usually given the recognition they deserve but i assure you the resolution is there. Quatros are even designed to be about 12" from the wall to aid in home theater placement.
The new KEF LS50s sound like they'd be what you are looking for: smooth, fast, sweet, and clear. Certainly not the last word in bass output, but they'll do your 60 Hz spec. easily. Check 'em out, everyone raves about 'em...

Whart's comment on the Avantgard Duos is very worthwhile.I too had the old Quads as well as quite dynamic JBL 250Ti's
that featured a fast titanium tweeter. Listening to the Avantgards was 'very' enjoyable.
Merlin TSM monitors.

These speak to the totality of your summation. Very well detailed, lacking the pinpoint sweet spot that belabors many electrostatics and yet quickness that challenges that of the well designed panel. They will work well with what you have already.

They are also less adversely affected by room acoustics than most speakers. I run mine with Rega, Decware and Manley. Difficult to argue with in terms of PRaT.
Hi Broadstone. I own a Rogue Cronus Magnum and have dealt with Mark and the gang from Rogue a handful of times. My speakers are Harbeth C7ES3's. I'm not saying these would work for you although they very well might. I'm wondering if a good idea would be to contact Rogue. Your Sphinx is relatively new so it might be hard to gather good information. They get a lot of feed back from their customers. As an example when I mentioned to Mark what speakers I had and how much I enjoyed them with his amp, he told me it was not the first time he had heard that but he had never heard the combination personally. At least he might be able to offer up some opinions on where to start.

Good luck and happy listening with the new Sphinx. I'm sure it's amazing and will offer you trouble free musical enjoyment.
Thanks, Whart. I appreciate what you're saying and, certainly , at some point, will consider the changes that you've mentioned. For the time being, I'm satisfied with my hybrid amp and, for now, am committing to work around that as my starting point. Persnickety, and your use of the term is the first time I've seen it in writing, is what I'm used to, having dealt with placement issues with 4 different Martin Logan pairs over the last 25+ years. I will look into horns; I've never used them and never even thought about trying that route before now.
Broad, I posted a similar query back in 2006- having been a Quad listener (old Quads, aka '57's, and then Crosby Quads) since the early seventies, with a variety of tube gear and vinyl only.
I made the leap to horns, which is not as strange as it may seem. I wanted more dynamics than electrostats (at least of the Quad variety) could give me, along with the open, unboxed quality I typically associated with planars.
My choice- and I'm certainly not urging you to go that way- was an Avantgarde Duo, which is persnickity in the extreme in terms of set-up and associated gear. The extreme sensitivity of the speaker makes any level of noise or grunge in the system readily apparent and if not properly set up the speaker will not show its best face (mine are hardly shrill or strident). On the other hand, you can use low wattage, SET type tube amps (I use the Lamm) to good effect.
It has taken me some time to get my system to perform at its present level, but I'm delighted with it. I don't listen at crazy db levels, but the system can deliver that 'jump' factor when necessary. It is also remarkably lucid and unmechanical sounding. Granted, this has as much to do with the associated gear, but it is certainly an approach worth researching. You could do a used pair of this type of hybrid horn (it has an active sub) for a not unreasonable amount of money and there are any variety of low powered tube amps, ranging from DIY to used to new that might fit your budget. Since I'm all vinyl, all the time on this system, I can't speak to how well they would work with 'untamed' digital. Perhaps you could consider changes in source, but I'm not really the guy to help you on CD, DAC and the like.
Be interested to see what else folks here come up with.