CDP under $2K recommendations, please

I am in need of a new CDP. I currently have a TEAC PD-H600 player which, given  its age, is OK, but I'd like to update to something newer.  On my radar is the Rega Apollo and the Naim CD5 SI. At 67 yoa, I'm no longer chasing the ultimate audio experience, but am looking for a CDP that capture the soul of the music rather than the ultra-detail. Any opinions welcome as well as other options.  TIA.  


I can only talk about what I have owned

long story short, to get the best for less, I went vintage Sony xa5400ES

I am ridiculously happy I found it.

I went down the 'better cd player' road, then 'i've got a few SACD's', then oh, most players convert SACD DSD to PCM, that's not great, which one's don't?

to get both a great player that plays both CD and SACD, does not convert dsd to pcm, separate lasers for CD and SACD, upscales CDs 8X, 6 dacs .....


I asked advice here


prior search, asked for advice here


they pop up on hifishark frequently.

just listed, I'd make an offer pronto


others, and belts and lasers are readily available in the future if needed


That Naim cd5si is very nice @ $1699. It is unique in that it has a pull out door, tray. Plus a puck you place atop the cd. Got a lot of great reviews as well. It pairs well with the Naim 5si integrated. Another option would be to buy a cd transport, such as the Cyrus cd-t.

The Yamaha cd-s2100 is on sale (refurb) at Accessories4Less for $1499.

That's a stupid good price on a nice CD player.

Last year, after posting an inquiry on this site similar to the one above, and considering the helpful responses, I bought.a new Denon DCD-1600NE CD player.  The MSRP now is about $1,500; then, it was about $1,100.  Initially, I wasn't thrilled, and considered returning it.  But with the addition of a good power cord and interconnects, and a much longer-than-anticipated break-in period, the sound improved considerably.  Now, I think that in its price range, the Denon is a good value.  

FWIW, I almost bought the competing Yamaha model, but was concerned about reliability issues.  

I second the Cambridge 851c. However, since you mentioned Rega and Naim, you may also want to consider the Cyrus CDi as well. From what I’ve read, they seem on par with Naim. The Music Room is a dealer for all three. There are reviews on WhatHiFi as well. The 851c is highly detailed and articulate with tight, detailed, yet punchy bass. The naim is going to have the “boogie factor” or PRaT as described, but it won’t be the last word in articulate detail or resolution. I’ve owned several naim players over the years and the common denominator is musicality and the sense of toe-tapping as you’re just enjoying the music. Not sure how your TEAC sounds, but its all system and user preference.