
Any ideas for a new high-compliance cart for my low-mass(6gm)
ADC LMF-1 tonearm? Around $250, Classical Music.

I am in mourning as the last of my ADC XLM's finally went to
Cartridge Valhalla.
Regards, Schubert: A fairly well regarded cart, nicely priced & the vendor has proved reliable:


Rich bass, extended hfs, tracks at a nominal 1.6 gm. Vendor also offers the Acutex LPM 312, a slightly warmer cart. Both are modified Shibata on a titanium cantilever. Not TOTL but still interesting carts with commendable presence, expect two weeks for delivery.

Ph, looking forward to that Mapleshade review, be a great service to the A-gon community!

Jperry, I've had my eye out for a Sonus Blue for 20 years, it was a jewel.

Stonedeaf, looking through my cartridge drawer I see I have a old Shure M97xE, I believe that well may be as you say.a good match.

Thanks, one and all.
I'd look at is 220 with 5mv output the statement platinum wood body is 350 at .5mv may not have enough output
Body wears out on cheap ADC carts, glorious as they sound.
The worst disaster in Analogue history was the demise of Sonus carts, founded by original ADC people.

Stringreen, how can I get in touch with you?
Consider a JICO SAS in one of the Shure bodies (V-15-III,IV ,V or ultra 500) or a SAS in a M97xE. SAS styli are all high compliance -should be a reasonable match for your very low mass arm.
No replacement styli for ADC XLM? I doubt it. Why not do a SoundSmith rebuild on the original stylus assembly, if you don't like the available aftermarket styli?
Maybe you can find an old sonus blue. I used it when I had the same tonearm and thought it was a good match.
yup… i am just now trying out the mapleshade tonearm resonance kit… just starting to listen on an already heavy sme 3009 - it may solve your problem. will post an initial review next week