Cartridge recommendations for Mac

I have a McIntosh MT-2 turntable. Had it for about 2 years, maybe 3 (the years just jumble together at this point). It came with a Sumiko Blue MC cartridge. Considering purchasing an additional cartridge or 2.  Can do MM on the Mac which I previously had on my Marentz TT-15S. Unfortunately that Clearaudio cartridge that came with it is no longer useable.  Any recommendations from those who have also had this unit. Not sure if more info needed. Everything is working just fine   Thought might be nice to have another cartridge or 2 to change out from time to time. Listen to mostly progressive rock with some occasional blues and jazz. Not much else. I know there are other sites that cater to Mac users but I only come here to read the forums everyday and appreciate what everyone has to say.

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

Don't beg Mike, its unseemly. Especially when there's no reason for it. You haven't disagreed, because I never said the cartridge wasn't important. The OP was asking what cartridge 'for my table' and all I said was not for the table, for your ears. The disagreement would be if you said it doesn't matter how it sounds.  
I have never in 40 years given any consideration to my arm or table. Oh, I did spend a lot of time poring over the same supposedly critical to matching stuff others here will still insist are critical to matching. The one thing I have found where it does matter is the phono stage. Not cartridge/arm, but cartridge/phono stage. That's where you have to pay attention to cartridge output and phono stage noise and gain. MC/MM. That's it. 

So I never ask which cartridge for my table. I ask which cartridge for my ears. Some are lively, some more laid back. Some are in your face, some more recessed. Analytical, neutral, warm. Name your poison- and your budget!