Cartridge question for Thorens TD320 mkII


I recently bought a Thorens TD320 mkII with the TP90 tonearm. My intent was to use a Grace F9E (with the SS RS9E Blue stylus). I realize that with a mass of 17g vs. a cartridge with a compliance of 25 (@10Hz), it isn't ideal. Will it work? What would I notice (other than tracking) if this isn't a decent match?

I also have an AT 440MLa which I would suppose would be a better match, but I really wanted to try out the Grace. I do have a mkI TD320 with a TP16 mkIII arm on it (7.5g) and cart compliance of 10 (@10Hz).


Go ahead and try the Grace in the TP90. I bet it will work fine! You can also try the Grace in the other lighter arm. 

If 17g includes the weight of the Grace plus mount hardware, an online calculator gives a resonant frequency of 7.7Hz, which is close enough to the ideal range.  Don't fret; just try  it.   Even if you've left out the weight of the cartridge, adding 6g to account for the cartridge and screws still gives 6.6Hz.  Still probably ok especially since a vintage cartridge is not likely to display the as new compliance.