Cartridge for Rega Planar 3

What cartridge that sells for less than $200 does any one recommend for the Rega Planar 3. The pre-amp is an old Accuphase.
rega's own cartridges are supposed to be a good match for their arms. if the accuphase does lo-output mc's, try the ortofon mc25-fl, or the autio-technica oc9 - $225/$200 at the needle doctor. sumiko blue-point/bluepoint special's are also nice.
I know it is over your price limit, but at $300 the Grado Platinum is really an amazing value. I think the extra $100 would be worth it for that cartridge.
I know it is anathema in high-end audio to mention the Shure V15VxMR cartridge, although Stereophile includes it in their recommended components list. I currently have a V15VxMR mounted to a Rega RB900 arm, playing on a VPI HW-19 Mk 4 table. I am very pleased with the Shure. It does not offer the "nth" degree of refinement, detail, etc., but it damned sure is accurate and "plays music". You can buy this cartridge (new) from Garage-A-Records for $225. You absolutely will not find a better, more versatile cartridge at this price. The phone number for Garage is 1-888-800-7597, and their web site address is: Do yourself a favor - find out how good the Shure V15VxMR really is before you spend more on a moderately priced cartridge.
though almost impossible to get a good cartridge for under 200 do stay away from grado in the rega they hum in some tables and the rega being one of them a good cheap cartridge and very much under-rated is a denon dl 160 for around 180.00 or a dl-110 I believe are still being made
This may sound wacky but someone I know has a Audio Technica 120e (which can be gotten for $54 online thru garage-a-records) with his Rega3 and it sounds phenomenal. Most Audio Technica's cartridges sound awful on the rega but this one works well. He's also got his table on a target wall shelf which I'm sure plays a big role in the sound. Goldring Eroica (high output version) I remember sounding good on the rega but it might be more than $300, anyway it's around $300. Sumiko pearl (around $100) is supposed to be a good match but haven't personally heard the combo.
I had a planar 3 in England and used a Rega super bias cartridge (one of their cheaper ones). It was not a rocking cartridge (like some Audio Technicas I heard) but it had a subtlety and finess that I really liked. Perhaps the super bias would not be up to the standards of your system but Rega make more expensive (and presumably better sounding) cartridges, so if you're looking for detail and subtlety that may be your thing. Boy I miss my turntable.
Jules,have you ever heard a Grado "hum" on a Rega table?
I have.I own a Rega P-25 w/RB-600 arm and a Grado Platinum 4.6mv This "hum" so freely reported exhists of nothing more than a low level "hum" when the arm is raised.I have never heard any "hum'during music or even between tracks.The Grado "hum" is not an issue at all.
I highly recommend a Grado with a Rega table and one of their arms.I have found the Grado "woodies" V.T.A. to be right on mounted as is.I tried spacers but found the best V.T.A. to be mount and play.