Cardas IC Question

I am currently using Cardas Golden Cross IC.I been using them for many years. I wanted to up grade. I was thinking about Clear Light, or Golden Ref. Do you guy's think Clear Light would be a better choice over Golden Cross, and Golden Ref.???


Pass X250.5 amp.
Wadia 381
ML Summit X Speakers
Anti Cables
...just inquisitive. I see you are using Anti-Cables Russb. When you try Cardas, post how you like it compared to the A/Cables. Also, know that Paul has a silver Reference line now. Thanks.
As a longtime Cardas user I have been very pleased with the Golden Reference product line. However I would love to try the Clear. I understand it is just that much more natural and precise without being over analytical, yet musical. If you can afford I would say go to the top, the choice is Clear!