Cardas Clear Reflection advice needed

HI group,
I recently bought a Bel Canto Pre3VB preamp with its VBS power supply, which I'm running to my Bel Canto REF500S amp. 
Since the Pre3VB and REF500s are fully balanced, I'm in the market for an XLR cable.
My source interconnects are Cardas Clear; I could wait and save up some more for a Clear XLR, or I could go with a Clear Reflection right now.
If I did that, would I be compromising my system? 
Interested in your thoughts.
My system: BC REF500s, BC Pre3VB & VBS1 battery supply, Arcam Alpha 9 CDP, Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand SE speakers, Kimber Monocle XL speaker cable......

Thanks for your help...

Showing 4 responses by arcamguy

@david_ten thanks for your impressions; most helpful.

@Elizabeth thanks for the feedback, and that's what's holding me back: I actually ordered the Clear Reflections and the unopened box is sitting here. I want to talk with my dealer Monday, but I think you're right: I think...again, think....they would be a stopgap. Since everything else is Clear, then.....why not.

One argument in favor of the Reflections is they're very good, and less expensive, which would let me do a couple other things with my system. But at the end of the day, I think I'd always be kicking myself that I didn't keep my interconnects consistent.

BTW, I really enjoyed that thread on balanced interconnects you jumped in on recently. I found it very informative, given my limited knowledge of that type of cable. I'd always been an RCA guy, but this preamp and amp are specifically designed for balanced, so I'm looking forward to the boost an XLR will give me.

@mikey8811 thank you for your input; do you lose any resolution or detail with Clear Reflection?
Hi guys,
Just an update: went with a Cardas Clear balanced interconnect. Quite nice. Enjoying the music.....