can u cut longer interconnects and reterminate?

Is there a problem with cutting a longer cable and have it reterminated to a new length- I have moved my system around and do not need the 10 meters I have but do not want to buy new cables- Is there a problem with just buying new rca plugs and have them reterminated or does that effect the sound - thanks
I bought it from local shop solder which selling variuos electronic things, spare parts for audio and video . You can buy from or any other electronic shop,which has e-shops and post worldwide if there is no such shops in your country.
Hello Extravaganza, thanks for the info. Where did you buy this solder? A website link would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hello Lall,I cut 1m Atlas titan interconnect into 2pieces and resoldered with mundorf solder Sn88.6% Cu1.8% Ag9.5% Au0.1% . So far such combination retained original sound of this interconnect
Most companies do make the first increment of length much more expensive than any additional increments so that a two or three meter interconnect is not much more expensive than a one meter interconnect. The exceptions include companies, like Audionote which charge the same rate per meter for the wire, plus a fixed charge for the termination/rca or xlr plug. The fixed rate approach discourages people from buying an extra long interconnect in order to make several sets of interconnects. This was bad news for me because I really did need a 4 meter interconnect to run from my linestage to the amp, and Audionote Sogon is NOT cheap.
There are some interconnects and speaker cables with some sort of built in network (e.g., NBS) that means that the cable is "tuned" for a specific length and should not be shortened. Also, some cables are fairly hard to strip and properly re-terminate because they have many tiny conductors that are individually insulated (e.g., Nordost); unless you have a solder pot, these types should be re-terminated by the manufacturer.

If you know what you are doing, you probably can do it yourself. If you screw up, a professional can still probably undo the damage and get it right.
06-24-13: Lall
The first meter is always going to be much more expensive because they contain the connectors. Just to give you an example, a quad set of WBT Nextgen RCA plug costs anything between $160 to 300!
Lall (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
1 Meter of High Fidelity CT-1 Ultimate IC is $4900 and 2 Meters is $5800. So the RCA plugs are ~$3900??

You always get a lower per unit cost if buying bulk. COSTCO ... higher quantity at lower price but companies still makes a profit.

You can't buy bulk, return each item individually and request a refund for price of one item. I know some will disagree and call it "cheesy".
The first meter is always going to be much more expensive because they contain the connectors. Just to give you an example, a quad set of WBT Nextgen RCA plug costs anything between $160 to 300!
>>Usually one pays a premium for the 1st meter and then a fraction for an additional meter. What prevents someone purchasing a long cable, say 20 meters, and ask the manufacturer reterminate to 19 one meter cable, keep some and sell the rest?

It is common knowledge for dealers to order a longer, custom length of NordOst higher end, e.g. Valhalla and then sell it in pieces, reaping huge profits. NordOst stopped delivering custom length.
06-17-13: Swampwalker

Just use the next sequential serial# on the re-terminated cables??
Unless I miss my guess, the next number in the sequence is already on the cable that was manufactured next.
Swampwalker (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
I didn't want to insult your interlligence, but if you insist ...
Just use the next sequential serial# on the re-terminated cables??
Unless I miss my guess, the next number in the sequence is already on the cable that was manufactured next.
06-17-13: Lall
some cable manufacturers like Kubala & Purist will never do that because their cables are serially numbered and in case they reterminate into smaller lengths the additional pieces so obtained would, according to them, generate problems relating to serial numbers, warranties etc..
Lall (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Just use the next sequential serial# on the re-terminated cables??
some cable manufacturers like Kubala & Purist will never do that because their cables are serially numbered and in case they reterminate into smaller lengths the additional pieces so obtained would, according to them, generate problems relating to serial numbers, warranties etc..
05-01-13: Swampwalker

I think it's cheesy that Kubala won't work on their own cables.
you got that right, Rja.
Swampwalker (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

06-15-13: Markus1299
Synergistic Research won't do it either. I think there theory is that by not doing it, you will have to buy more cables.
Markus1299 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Usually one pays a premium for the 1st meter and then a fraction for an additional meter. What prevents someone purchasing a long cable, say 20 meters, and ask the manufacturer reterminate to 19 one meter cable, keep some and sell the rest? Or a 3M and reterminate to 1 and 2M? At the end, the company loses profits/$$ so I understand their retermination policy.
I just received from Delphi the two pair of Masterbuilt Signature balanced interconnects that I had them reterminate. I had a 4 meter pair cut to a 2-1/2 and a 1-1/2 meter pair. The cost was around $200 plus the four new XLR connectors.
Synergistic Research won't do it either. I think there theory is that by not doing it, you will have to buy more cables.
Extravaganza, which solder(s) would you recommend to cut & reterminate pure copper high end interconnects?
I think it's cheesy that Kubala won't work on their own cables.
you got that right, Rja.
I think it's cheesy that Kubala won't work on their own cables. They should try to support owners of their cables any way they can.
Ya, I do it all the time and you just need someone with some technical ability or experience. Very simple to do really with some experience.
thanks guys = the cable is the kubala emotion- since I have changed my system i thought I could cut these and re terminate for use in my preamp and the run to my powered speakers- Alot cheaper than buying new cables- the company will not cut and reterminate the cords so I would have to have a tech do it-thanks
This also depends on what cable you have, the cost, and resale value of the cable. If you bought the cable at Radio Shack you should return there to buy a soldering iron and some connectors.

If it was expensive cable with significant resale value I would have it factory re-terminated.
Send it back to the mfr to re-terminate if you want to pay the premium and want to preserve resale.
BUT, If you don't feel capable of doing it yourself, save your money, buy whatever connector suits your fancy and bring it to a tech who will charge a fraction of what the mfr will charge. Yes, resale MAY be killed but you can end up with a superior interconnect if you use superior connectors.
I say DIY. It is not rocket science. It can be tedious but it is not impossible. And, FYI, I've seen some of the boutique cable guys with solder terminations that I would be embarrassed about. ymmv...
I would send it back to the MFR. to have it re-terminated or sell it and buy shorter lengths. What type of cable?
If it is a cable that you went to great lengths to match to your system then I'd recommend that you let the company do it. Both for the reason mentioned by Elizabeth as well as the fact that you will get a matching RCA, solder and terminating technique of the original cable, all of which can effect the sound of the cable.

If it is less critical cable it should be no problem, although some IC's use varnished wire strands so you will have to use a higher heat to burn off the varnish first so it will then accept the solder.
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Unless you have a very odd/exotic cable design that may pose problems if you cut it, you should have no problem at all. Sound quality will only be effected if you don't do a good job. If its expensive, factory terminated cable, it would probably be a good idea to send them back and pay to have it professionally.

If you end up doing it yourself, measure everything out first to see how much you will definitely need. Hopefully, you'll have a little left over. Practise on that first so you don't end up with 10 meters of weed wacker cable.