Can I use the Tidal app for streaming with node 2 without Bluesound app?

I just signed up with Tidal (for trial period to compare with my Spotify subscription). So far I could not manage to play music straight from the Tidal app. I was only able to do that by using the BluOS app which I do not like. With Spotify I had no problem to play music straight from their app. I checked the archive but could not find an answer there. I registered both accounts (Tidal and Spotify) on the BluOS app.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I guess I figured it out - sorry for that: In the Bluesound App I used the left navigation button and pressed “Bluetooth” to connect my iPad with the node 2. Is that the correct way of doing it?
Ok, but if I do not press “Bluetooth” I  can not use the Tidal App. I also have a WiFi connection between the iPad and the node. I was under the impression that the node streams straight from it’s own WiFi connection to my router and that the iPad is used as a GUI via Bluetooth connection with the node. Or not? This is quite confusing to me, sorry
@agosto I don't think you are necessarily required to use the Bluetooth function on the Bluesound controller app on your iPad to listen to Tidal. This is what I did and it works well for me ...

In the Bluesound app on your iPad, go to the main menu, select Music Services, select Tidal from the  list of services, and login to your Tidal account from within the Bluesound app. Once you successfully login to Tidal, you should see TIDAL show up in the main menu (right above the Music Services menu item). You can then select TIDAL and start streaming. No need for Bluetooth, and it will sound waaaay better than bluetooth.
Yes I get that but then I am streaming using the navigation of the Bluesound app and not the Tidal App, correct?
You can’t use the Tidal app to stream through the Node2 you have to use the bluOS app. You can do what you’re doing connected by bluetooth. This is from Bluesound support

Most Music Services don't allow third party player systems like Bluesound to play using their App but rely on the Players to use our software to access their servers. Spotify is the one exception to the rule as they have decided to abandon the API model of software development.

Unfortunately, as djones51 mentioned, it is not possible to stream to Node2 directly from Tidal's native app. Same issue with Amazon. If you don't like the BlueOS interface, you can try Roon. It is an additional $10 per month but the features and the ease of use is by far the best that I have experienced. If you also use Spotify, Roon provides a one-stop shop for all the major streaming services.

At any rate, bluetooth is never going to compete sonically with wifi or ethernet.
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Ok now I get it. Bummer - I like the concept of "radio stations" and "Daily Mix" that both Spotify and Tidal offer on their Apps. As far as I discovered so far, Bluesound is much more basic than these sites. Need to reconsider the design-up to Tidal.

@arafiq : It was my understanding that the node 2 and the iPad have to be connected to the same WiFi network. The node2 streams via WiFi or LAN and Bluetooth between Node 2 and the iPad is used as a GUI/navigation aid similar to a remote control. Am I wrong? Your description sounds as if the streaming "receiver" is the iPad and the iPad is sending the signal to the node2 via Bluetooth. Strange...?
As long as you’re on the same network you can use the tablet to control the Node2 with bluOS you don’t need bluetooth. I’m not 100% sure as I never used bluetooth can’t stand it, but I think if you use the Tidal app on the tablet and send to the Node you’re getting the stream through wifi to the tablet then sending the stream through bluetooth to the Node which might be down sampling. If it’s the Node2i you can use Airplay2 if your tablet is an iPad that supports it.
I finally figured it out how to connect without BT - Thanks! 
@djones51: I believe you are correct with the Bluetooth down sampling but at first listening I do not hear such a big difference so perhaps convenience is worth the small loss?
Uggghh.... I'm sitting here just now learning how to use my new Node 2i, and coming to that same realization, that i CANNOT play the Tidal app through the Node 2i, which is kind of exactly what i bought it for.  So what the heck does Tidal expect you to do... play their great quality content through my headphone jack, or over bluetooth?  Seems really stupid.  
Also.... sheesh .... NO information that i can find on HOW TO use the BluOs app.... I lost.  I don't know anything about the interface, and there's no tutorial that I've found yet.   I feel like a real idiot.