Can I use a Bluesound Node 2i as a Preamp?

I just recently purchased a Bluesound Node 2i to use with my CXA80 integrated amp. However in future  I’m looking at upgrading to a high end power amplifier. As I’ve had the CXA80 for years I want to try a few different DAC’s etc. So in future I’m looking at buying a high end power amp I can plug some RCA cables into and use some different bits of kit. 
Whilst I was on the phone to the guy from the audio store, whilst purchasing the Node 2i I asked about connecting the Node 2i to an NAD M22 as an example. He warned me not to do that for too long, as I’d need a proper Preamp, he was warning me that the Node 2i is not a Preamp. Fair enough but I am a bit confused, what does a Preamp have that the Node 2i does not? How do you define what a Preamp is then? What is the risk of connecting a Node 2i to a M22 directly via RCA? Or is this just a traditional thing that you need a big preamplifier for a big amplifier? I can’t figure out what the reasoning is. Is this to do with grounding of the preamp? or something else? Any feedback would be appreciated. 
The Node 2i is a source only.
The M22 is a power amp and may not be compatible with the Node as a source due to impedance and gain issues.
A preamp will accept the Node 2i as a source with a matching input impedance and proper gain. You’ll then use the volume control to select proper gain to the amp, such as a M22.
It has nothing to do with grounding and everything to do with matching the gain of the source; eg, Node, TT, CD player.

The CXA80 is an integrated amp, meaning it has it’s own preamp section. It also accepts digital inputs. Use one of the digital outputs of the Node into a digital input on your current amp.

Technically you can use the Node 2i as a "preamp" and control the volume, tone, balance, etc., via the BlueOS app on your mobile device. I experimented with this "direct" connection when I first got my Node 2 but did not care much for the sound quality when compared with a proper preamp in the loop. It wasn't bad, actually quite detailed and crisp but I found it too dry and lifeless. If you decide to try it, make sure you watch the volume control on the app and start with a low setting until you find the range where the combination of the output from the Node and the gain of the amp give you a good sound quality.

As others have pointed out, Node 2i will not sound its best until you add an outboard DAC or use it with CXA80 integrated. Before you buy a new amp, I suggest you try a good external DAC with a volume control. The Ayer Codex DAC should fill the gap between node 2i and your amp nicely,

The internal DAC within node 2i a serviceable DAC, far from best sounding DAC’s.
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Technically yes, the Node2i will work using the app volume slider while plugged directly into an amp. For kicks I tried this one day while waiting on an integrated amp to arrive. I plugged it into a Class A tube amp and it worked but didn’t sound nearly as good (in fact it was pretty bad) as after connecting to the integrated and using the integrated’s volume control. Night and day difference.

Also you need to be careful. I started with the volume slider all the way down and gently nudged it up to obtain volume I wanted. I could imagine someone through fumbly thumbs or by omission hitting play while slider is all the way up at 100% and blowing out a speaker driver.
Hi Guys, thanks for the feedback I appreciate it. Makes sense, I now understand the Node 2i is a source and not a proper Preamplifier and the reasons why. 
Based on this I’ll use the CXA80 as the Preamp for the Node 2i for now and look at some options for a new Amp and Preamp/DAC in future.

Thanks again!
andyboom, yes it is best to buy a separate preamp for sure. Those streamers that are good enough to also serve as a preamp usually cost as much buying a separate streamer and preamp. And I am not positive of this but I believe they may have limited inputs for other sources. Don’t forget you can get a Schitt freya+ for under $1k, or an Aric Audio remote unlimited for about $1,165, both brand new.

If you can’t tell, having a tube preamp is my preference.

Also, if you really get hard up for a volume control for up to two sources, you can pick up a passive Schitt SYS for $49.
Don’t underestimate the importance of a preamp. IMHO it’s at least as important as an amp in contributing to the sound you ultimately hear.  So if you buy a good amp make sure the preamp — whether integrated into a DAC or not — is of similar quality.  Best of luck. 
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The Ayre Codex was a good suggestion, though the Node 2i doesn't have USB out, so you'll be forced to use Optical from said Node 2i to Codex.  Probably not the best, but it will work.