California audio show in SF Bay area

Is anyone going the the California Audio Show in Oakland this weekend?  I will be there.
Check this room out...WOW!!!

California Room (Bldg IV): Von Schweikert Audio / VAC / MasterBuilt / ASC

Kronos Audio Pro turntable, $38,000
Kronos Audio SCPS-1 Power Supply, $13,500
Kronos Audio Black Beauty tonearm, $8,500
ZYX Audio Ultimate 4D cartridge, $4,400
J Corder rebuilt Technics 1520 reel-to-reel tape deck, $14,000
Aurender N10 Music Server, $8,000
Lampizator Golden Gate DAC, $20,000
VAC Statement Phono Stage, $80,000
VAC Statement Line Stage, $75,000
VAC Statement 450 iQ monoblocks, $120,000/pr
Von Schweikert Audio Ultra 11 loudspeaker, $295k/pr
Von Schweikert Audio Shockwave V12 subwoofer(for active room correction), $11,500/ea.
MasterBuilt Audio Ultra Line cable system
ASC-TubeTraps IsoThermal TubeTraps 13×4, $757 ea.
ASC-TubeTraps IsoThermal TubeTraps 20×4, $854 ea.
Artesania Audio Exoteryc 4-shelf Rack, $7,000
Artesania Audio Exoteryc 3+3 tandem Rack, $10,000
Artesania Audio Exoteryc Turntable Platform, $3,400
Artesania Audio Exoteryc Aire Platform monoblock, $3,700/ea.
oh, thanks for posting this!!!

I was just assuming it had been cancelled.

Damnit, I could set up a table and get rid of all my cables. :)

I also just bought the last thing I needed, a desktop integrated. :( I should have waited.
