Cables best suited to electrostatic speakers

I've been active in this hobby for over 55 years and have never understood how the choice of speaker cables and interconnects might be significant factors in optimizing my various systems. I simply bought relatively expensive wires thinking that they must be OK if "audiophiles" are using them. Because others much more studied than I have such strong and diverse thinking on the subject, though, I thought I should try to educate myself further.

This comes up because I recently made some changes to my setup and am having some difficulty adjusting my hearing to them. Because they are several the variables are many. I've used Martin Logan and Magnepan for most of my listening career having very recently replaced Martin Logan Odysseys that I've used since new about 14 years ago, with ML Ethos speakers. Because these seem to be somewhat more sensitive to what's going on upstream, it's the change that I need the most help with.

My present system consists of Shanling CD100 CD player, Peachtree Nova as preamp, two DBX1531 equalizers, Peachtree 220 amp, Silversonic T-14 cable terminated at both ends with bananas and Martin Logan Ethos speakers. As most, I want detail and timbre without brightness. Because of age related hearing issues I recently added the equalizers for a relative boost in those frequencies above 3500 Hz; this has worked out nicely, btw.

I don't know if this is at all relative to the issue but I seem to have a particular sensitivity to frequencies in the area of 1400 Hz, especially when originating from a percussive instrument like piano, corresponding to the approximate frequency of my tinnitus. One of my concerns is that my hearing may be degraded to the point that modifications that result in subtle changes may be beyond my ability to detect them and any improvement that I can hear might only be psychological.

So, the bottom line goes to the subject of this thread; could it be that one type of cable configuration or material is best suited to electrostatic panels? It seems to me that there shouldn't be but, as I said, till now, I've paid no serious attention to cables in general.
I got the OCC magnet wire from Sonic Craft.  It looks like they are out of it.  Hopefully they will get some in.  Part No is   90000217 25 AWG UPOCC Copper Magnet Wire.  Great sounding wire.  You can try a teflon coated wire, which sounds fine, but the real deal is the magnet wire.  The gage is important which is why you want to use 6 or 7 runs per side.

Owning SoundLab Electrostatic Speakers, I just posted the following on the "WTBF":

Based on their pricing and their uniqueness, a few days ago, I bought a pair of Fideliums to trial. They’re competition were Nordost Tyr II’s and Iconoclast by Belden -- an OFE wire pair and a SPTPC wire pair. Along with the Fidelium’s, these 3 were unowned audition pairs. My previous Synergistic Research “Absolute Reference” cables developed a short, so I was in need of speaker cables.

Long story short, the Fidelium's are keepers, the other’s aren’t.  There weren’t significantly obvious differences frequency response wise. Perhaps with extended listening’s I might have had an all-around frequency winner, but I didn’t care, because I heard sounds coming from a blackness the others didn’t possess!  That was the 1st. positive that immediately stuck me. The 2nd positive was an overall smoothness that was immediately apparent. Perhaps that was attributed to how the notes trailing edges were handled, or to a lack of distortion, I’m not sure exactly why, nor do I care, because it was out of the norm, appreciated and immediately preferred over the other cables.  Both of these attributes were niceties with the price of $1,195 (8-ft pair) being even nicer, when compared to the ~$5k Nordost and ~$2 & 2.5k Iconoclast. As such, I too am looking forward to a potential Jeffrey Smith Interconnect.

My pocketbook was opened and my hat is off to Mr. Smith. It’s nice to see an inventively designed product that performs well above its price point and there is no inclusion of magic boxes (fore & aft, &/or plugged into the mains etc.), mysterious fluid fillings, magnetics this or that, quantum tunneling, cryogenic treatments etc. Of course the same could be said for the other cables I trialed, especially the Iconoclast whose design philosophy is well publicized and widely discussed.              

BTW the way my amplification is Atma-sphere MA-1 OTL monoblocks and SoundLab Majestic 845 Electrostatic speakers.

Try running 6 or 7 runs of OCC 28 gage magnet wire twisted with a drill for both sides.  Twist both runs together with a drill again.  Cheap and great for Quads.  Get the best wire you can.  I've tied many different types wire.  Thin coated OCC magnet wire is the best I have found.  Low inductance high capacitance wire not costing a fortune. 
The lower section of text is a Post I very recently put on Thread about Mapleshade Speaker Cables.
As a result of this Meeting where a Selection of Cables were compared. Two of the attendess at the Demonstration/Comparisons use the True Silver Brand Cable.
One attendee is the owner of  the ESL 2912's with the SP10R TT and a Wadia CD as sources.
The other attendee is using Quad ESL 57's Traditional Specs in a Stacked array and Sansui Valve Amps.

My 57's have a 3db Treble Lift as a result of using a Non Quad Treble Panel.
I hope the info is offering assistance with your enquiry.
I am yet to Trial another Speaker Cable made from a PC Triple C Wire.
I have it being delivered in Solid and Stranded Core.
Being very careful with this comment, PC Triple C is a product from the producer of OCC in Japan.
PC Triple C can be reffered to as the Successor of Copper OCC offered by the Wire Producer Furukawa, as Copper OCC is no longer produced by this Producer. 
I have compared the Clearview Double Helix to a selection of OFC Copper Cables I owned and the Mapleshades were chosen as the Cable
used on my Valve Amp > ESL 57’s Single or Stacked System for many years now .

The Mapleshades were also taken to a Comparison of Speaker Cables, where there were Speaker Cables from Transfiguration with a Value of approx’ £3000 in the Line Up to be demonstrated on a System with a EAR Valve Amp > Quad ESL 2912.
After all the Audition’s the final deliberation was between the Mapleshades and a Pure Silver Cable known as True Silver ? or True Signal ?
I was very happy with learning that my Speaker Cables presented in such a impressive way in another System, as well as stand out, when in the arena with much more esteemed products.
For the tinnitus give up Equal sweetener and Coke products. They both have ingredients that blow mine up. I’ve had my Acoustat electrostatics a long, long time. Used the Cable Company lending library for about ten pairs until a buddy loaned me a pair of Straightwire Maestro, which I promptly bought from him. Bi-wired with them now.  Keep trying cables until you are happy enough with the current pair to not want to waste your listening time trying any more  Same with interconnects, digital cables and power cords/conditioners..
I have had EXCELLENT results on my Stats with Tara Labs 'The One'. truly musical, detailed AND transparent. fast, quiet, REAL..
After experimenting with different types of cable - cables with solid core conductors sound the best to my ears with my Martin Logan speakers. Tara Labs RSC cables works great for me.
Al, I had actually started this thread before our recent conversation referenced to an original one going back about a year and one half ago. After some thought inspired by you and the several here, I've decided to take a serious look at replacing my present system with tube based gear and revisiting the issue of cables after a decision is made. I will, then initiate a new thread today soliciting advice on how best to approach this.
I have always found that electrostatic speakers work better with low inductance, low capacitance and low to medium resistance speaker cables.

You can read HERE about this from Roger Sanders in one of his White Papers.

I have sold (was a dealer) and have personally owned nothing but electrostatic and planar magnetic speakers since 1980. Many, many pairs later, I still find this to be true.
Hi Jim,

The one thought I would offer is that the inductance of the particular speaker cable is likely to assume increased significance when used with an electrostatic speaker than when used with other kinds of speakers.

The reason is that the impedance of electrostatics typically descends to very low values in the upper treble region, specifically to 0.8 ohms at 20 kHz in the case of your speakers. And the impedance presented by the inductance of a cable will increase in direct proportion to frequency, and thereby become particularly significant in relation to that very low speaker impedance at high frequencies. The result being that if cable inductance is other than lowish upper octave extension will tend to be limited to a greater degree in the case of electrostatics, relative to what would occur if the same cable were used with a dynamic speaker, or with a non-electrostatic planar speaker such as the Magnepans. Especially if the length of the cable is longish, as the inductance of a given cable type will be directly proportional to length.

Of course, all of that says little or nothing about what kind of cable is likely to be subjectively preferable, as that will depend on many variables, including the output impedance and other characteristics of the amplifier that is being used, the sonic characteristics of the particular speaker as set up in the particular room, the recordings that are listened to, the upper frequency extension of the listener's hearing, listener preference, etc.

Best regards,
-- Al
My speakers are ML CLX's and befor that I had prodigys. A total of 9 years with ML's the last 5 years with both speakers have been using Synergistic Research and could no be more pleased with the results. You might want to check the cable company's lending program.