Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza

If you look at the construction of an RCA cable it can be very simple or can be very complicated. Eg. Audio quest higher end interconnect cables are extremely creative, the diagram on their website is visually stunning.

Ultimately, Cable design in many cables involves coloring the tonal signature. Cooking a pizza is all about making all the ingredients come together so it tastes amazing. Some do it a lot better than others and Pizza is a lot cheaper.

For cables, There are conductors, drain wires, shielding, Airfilled tubes, different gauges, etc…. Then there’s the copper strands which can be very detailed and numerous and twisted. So much going on.

With pizza you have cheese and sauce and spices and the dough and it’s all mixed together with all kinds of variation. Ultimately the sauce makes or breaks the success of a pizza slice.

With audio cables, hi end Cable designers are endlessly trying different ways to do all this. In the end they find something that sounds kind of nice. They may not know exactly why it does sound the way it does.

So that’s my take on Pizza design and cable design.


Showing 6 responses by jumia

It serves to illustrate how ridiculous cable design is. Especially if they can't explain what they've done Beyond marketing rhetoric.

This also applies to preamplifiers and amplifiers.  And here even more complicated, and many are profoundly confused as to why components sound the way they do. 

Mostly we are all paying for fantasy creations of clever and very smart creators of complex electrical Devices.  
And like many of us I pay up for this stuff. Sounds better, no idea why. 


Women are like cables very hard to understand and can be a short-lived fantasy.

If I’m gonna spend a couple thousand dollars on some so-called hiend cables I’m gonna need a better explanation of what I’m getting.

When I call up a company and ask questions some of these people seem very arrogant. They give standardized rhetoric that never really answered my question. They are being purposely vague they really don’t want to give you a meaningful helpful response. They want people to have faith that their pretty cables Will be fine.

I have spent a lot of money on cables. I now have mono blocks, which are a good idea, and really long speaker cables which I bought before I got the mono blocks. So I’m stuck with the longer speaker cables. I am told I would not benefit much if I was to get shorter cables.

But now I need a 14 foot interconnect cable which is so much more then a 1 m interconnect.

Why the hell are cables so damn expensive? Because people are willing to pay because they know no better.

The only way high-end cable manufacturers can continue to be in business is to employ people, whoever they are, to mix together all kinds of strands and insulators until they create a new sound that is appealing that may be marketable. And it continues. Without a new product every year they will have a diminished market because interest also diminishes unless the product line continues to change.

These people with a lot of money to spend are smart people and yet they continue to buy these very very expensive cables. Why is that? They must know it’s not the greatest and smartest thing to do.

I’m all for quality cables but the buyers need to be more careful so as not to escalate a problem that only serves to divert money away from more meaningful endeavors within the audio world.

I think it’s very helpful to clarify that cable manufacturers are in the business of producing variations in sound (eg. Coloring).

The problem with marketing these products is that it takes a while for someone to discern whether the variation in sound is something they will be comfortable with. We all listen to a diversity of music plus home theater stuff where variation is all over the map.

To insert new cables and when a change is heard, the immediate tendency can be to like it. We all like change. And then maybe we determine whether the change was good and that takes a while. And then the breakin Factor further complicates and extends the evaluation.

And of course the biggest marketing strategy of all time is positive reinforcement.

There are fundamental basics that are very important to cable production but the marketing Materials don’t really go into all that in a very helpful way. Its proprietary and we can’t reveal what’s in the secret sauce.

It’s a royal pain in the ass to buy cables. I’m using 15 ft mogami w3173 cables between preamp and amplifier with RCA custom connections and they were just lovely. 3173 are not sold the retail because these are thicker cables. And only $150.