Buying used audio equipment in peron in Canada

Anyone has ever bought used audio equipment in person in Canada and took it back to USA ? What is the cost associated with that. What taxes do you pay at the border ? What if you paid cash ? 
Thanks !


Showing 3 responses by 2psyop

newfzx7- Good points. I am one person living in the US and I apologize to ALL Canadians for the conduct of our government. That apology extends to the citizens of Greenland. To the OP, pay attention to the laws governing taking any item’s fixed or purchased across the border without paying appropriate fees. You might end up in prison.

BTW I don’t think Denmark will

EVER agree to allow Greenland to become part of the USA and also I don’t think Canada will EVER agreed to become a state in the USA. It’s absurd and offensive.

If you think about it for a minute. We audiophiles worry about paying more money in a tax or a tariff for a piece of audio equipment we want. How petty and ridiculous when you stand back and look at the larger picture. Our allies and their leaders are hating us because of our deranged lunatic leader. When such a man like Adolf tried to create a nation of a super race and failed the world hated Nazi Germans for decades. All German people were labeled this way. Now you see America being labeled. It’s a tragedy.