Buyer's request. If Sellers could list photos of units on with lights.

There are many very fine components for sale on AudiogoN.  Something that would be good for me as a Buyer to see would be a picture of the front of the unit with the power/lights on.  More helpful for receivers, tuners and such.  Not a big deal, but some of us have purchased units with lights not working, not as big a deal as a channel not working, but something that would be good to know.  
If you're using flash to take the photos, the flash may overpower the lights on the face and even if they're on you may not see them.  Turning off the flash may result in blurry photos.  Good idea, but not always as easy as it sounds in normal indoor lighting conditions.
Yes, due diligence is up to the Buyer and the Sellers that I bought from were very good at any requested information or photos. At least on AudiogoN and mostly on ebay, but there were a few exceptions on ebay. Take care,

Normally I would have dismissed this post.  But guess what I have spent the week doing.  Trying to diagnose a nonfunctional LED on a 10/10 integrated bought on this site!  Photo or not, the seller ought to have noted that.  Shame on him.  But yes, a photo done as you suggest could have saved me some grief.
Trying to diagnose a nonfunctional LED on a 10/10 integrated bought on this site! Photo or not, the seller ought to have noted that.

I'd be laughin' and I am. I'm chasing down an LED gremlin too, now you see me, now you don't.  Look, inside, no problem. Check it with the cover off, works perfect.. Back together..flicker...stop working for a week, flicker, back on for a week.. little @#sterd..


Post removed 
Seller's Disclaimer; Btw, that thing inadvertently in the photo wasn't mine ....... that was Anthony's Weiner.