Burning In Preamp ???

I plan on buring in a new preamp in a secondary system. Can I have the cd player playing sending the signal to the preamp, but have the poweramp and speakers shut off??
id keep amp on and speakers off...best to run in product and carry signal in and out of it.
Running the amps with no load can potentially damage them. It is not necessary.
Just play the damn thing and stop stressing. Put on some good music, fire up a phatty and chill, dude.
12-12-06: Rlwainwright
Just play the damn thing and stop stressing. Put on some good music, fire up a phatty and chill, dude.

Yah man! Play some Bob Marley man!
Yep, turn the volume high and let her rip.

I would keep the power amp connected, although it is more than likely not necessary. I do not know what preamp you have, but the ones I have owned all had output coupling-caps, which will allow the output tube/transistor to pass the AC signal onto it, irrespective if the pre was connected to the power amp or not.

I am not sure what the effect would be if your output transistor is directly coupled to the outputs. You definitely won’t be hurting anything by keeping it connected to the amplifier.

Or you could just un hook the pre to amp.But does this unit have manufaturer suggesting burn in or (reliable) revier saying it needs it???If it's tube unit I certainly wouldn't waste the tubes doing it.Guess some pople invest in cable cookers and reverse RIAA boxe and so forth but I wouldn't just assume it needs it.At least I'd say don't wait to use it till it's been been used for 2000 hours like some neurotics do.