Brooklyn DAC+ Anyone?

Hey Folks,

I did some searches and did not see anyone claiming to have the DAC+.  Saw one positive review from a site of which I am unfamiliar.  I prefer reviews where there is listening and testing so perhaps we will have to hope for Stereophile or HiFi News to get one but that will probably take some time.

I have a DAC+ on backorder with MusicDirect so hopefully any bugs will be exterminated before I get mine.  I am also hoping for more details on the circuit changes.

Hope you folks are well and good,
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrobob

Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

Hi OP,

Yes, the original Brooklyn has the same "weird symptom" of playing back Redbook far better than one would expect any DAC to.

However, a couple of other new DAC's also have this peculiarity. :) Something has happened recently, perhaps with the clocks, or digital filters, but we may be past the need for high rez music.


I have the Brooklyn, and it is my favorite < $5k DAC so far.

The only glitches I have found is that, rarely, switching to 96/24 from 44/16 it doesn't do that right, but this may be due to my streaming software. You will hear it start to distort, and get very sibilant.

Lastly, play with the digital filters. I have disabled MQA so I could choose other digital filters I like better. You should listen too.