EMF in my setup has caused unbearable brightness. I suggest, if you have not already, eliminating EMF as the problem source before blaming your system. What, if anything, did you move or reroute when your system became bright? Did you place any of your electronics closer than 3-5 inches? Do you have a power cord near or touching your speaker wires or any cables? Are your cables off the floor, especially power cables (rebar spacers @ 50 cents each are phenomenal for this)?
Cross your cables, if you must, at right angles, and don't let any cables touch. Keep power cords as far as possible from cables, at least 3 inches. I find that if I move cables in my system, for whatever reason, it takes at least 24 hours, if not a week, for my system to return to glory.
Recently I battled unbearable brightness upon substituting 4 expensive power cords for my stock PC's. Were the power cords incompatible with my electronics? I placed calls to manufactures and distributors, moved electronics around, rerouted cables, brought diffusers into the room, adjusted my speaker position and toe in. Somethings decreased the brightness, but nothing eliminated it. Ready to pull my hair out after months of searching for the source, I traced the problem to the 4 stock, unplugged power cords which, upon taking them out of my system, I placed in front of one of my electrostatic speakers. After taking the cords out of the room, the brightness vanished.