Couple of years ago bought Cary 805 dedicated SR OHIO stands fro my mono amps (at $500! used but not a scratch) because I couldn't pass up the price and have been VERY satisfied. I am VERY picky and can tell you that whoever made these had the same amps and listened to them on the stands at length, understood exactly what the amp was and had good ears. Only good things with the amps on the stands and at that point in my system, everything was highly synergized - meaning that putting anything in that wasn't perfect would show up immediately. Highly recommended!
Bright Star and Silent Running Audio Isolation
I want to add an isolation platform under my VPI Aries turntable. Looking at the Bright Star Big Rock and or Air Mass made for the Aries. I read a very positive review on the Silent Running platform and they also make a platform for the Aries(at almost 3 times the cost of the Big Rock but close to the same price as both the Big Rock and Air Mass combo) Anyone have experience with these products or recommendations? It will sit on a Billy Bags stand. Thanks.
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