
Discussions rec has started

Looking for a reel to reel deck that plays NAB and IEC EQ13485
Linear Audio Microzotl MZ2 or Dragon Inspire 1HA-1 Headphone Amp 14361
Audiophile Reel to Reel Tape17277
A question about tape loops25942
2nd Pressing of Beatles Mono Box21031
Questions about biamping29393
How to bias output tubes on Golden Tube SE 4073555
Linn LP12 Setup Manual and more.27961
I remember Jesse Penna today689734
DAC Recommendations605710
Creedence Clearwater Revival SACDs569312
Comfortable by good sounding headphones?34476
I auditioned SACD today983135
Manley Steelhead tube rolling35851
Jeff Rowland Amplifier Help61145